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  1. B

    fucked up news!!!

    Use water to spray the dirt from the roots, it's tough on the plants afterwards but you won't cut or rip any of the roots
  2. B

    Simple question: Will house bulbs interrupt the dark period?

    its not an indoor grow, it was just moved inside at 5pm for the dark period and put back outside after sundown
  3. B

    first grow problem, buds look too few to harvest/9 weeks in

    naa. shes 100% female. i think i can fix this and have a good harvest in two more months. ill post more pics when theres a visual difference if anyone is interested
  4. B

    first grow problem, buds look too few to harvest/9 weeks in

    i got lazy and didnt take the plant outside until 10 or 11 am a couple times. it was also very rootbound mid flower, and almost stopped growth with a couple weeks to go. im still not convinced that it was light leaks but lack of sun and space to grow
  5. B

    Simple question: Will house bulbs interrupt the dark period?

    how does artificial light interrupt the flowering cycle? isnt there a difference between sunlight, grow bulbs and household lightbulbs?
  6. B

    first grow problem, buds look too few to harvest/9 weeks in

    i moved her inside for the dark period, but left a household bulb on most of the time in the room it was in thinking it wouldnt have an effect. she went into flower but had very little bud growth.. in terms of numbers, at the moment the buds that are there are fat and snow like. currently the...
  7. B

    Simple question: Will house bulbs interrupt the dark period?

    The way that I understand it is that UV light from the sun or from a grow bulb inhibits or destroys the flowering hormone that's always present, and once the plant can no longer absorb this radiation(at night) the hormones continue and the plant gets farther along in flowering. Since normal...
  8. B

    first grow problem, buds look too few to harvest/9 weeks in

    yeah thats possible. its definitely weed, i agree it looks strange
  9. B

    first grow problem, buds look too few to harvest/9 weeks in

    it aint letting me post any more. for now thats the only pic
  10. B

    first grow problem, buds look too few to harvest/9 weeks in

    yeah,im on a mobile its hard to post. i have one of the whole plant also on another phone i will get it up soon
  11. B

    first grow problem, buds look too few to harvest/9 weeks in

    to me these dont quite look right, the buds are decent size but are just too far apart. im worried its the result of the plant being rootbound during flower, ive moved it into the ground but i think it may be too late. there is minimal new bud growth and i think now is the time to harvest,i dont...