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    Sour Flame OG

    Hey I ordered from hemp depot I got some In Week 5 and holy shit is it dense and can take in a lot of fertilzer Very nice. I would really like to see some dryed bud. If anyone wants to see pics I can make that happen.
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    Should i HARVEST Critical Jack started 12/12 July 4 PICS

    Let me know what u guys think of the Monster from EVA its the 3rd pic there.
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    Should i HARVEST Critical Jack started 12/12 July 4 PICS

    LOL that bud in the 3rd pic is done and its a different strain Earily Grizzly from Koonany Mountains. Just harvested this morning.. HERES my monster from EVA..
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    Should i HARVEST Critical Jack started 12/12 July 4 PICS

    No its not an auto its a fem seed from dinafem.... I just fucked the flowering stages on all my buds because i had a veg room in the same grow room and i sealed it off as best as i could.. but i did effect it so im tryin to get some opinions THXSSS Everyone...
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    Should i HARVEST Critical Jack started 12/12 July 4 PICS

    I had a veg room in the same room so i know it messed with the flowered stages. IVe got some decent picture.. THX for the help.
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    IS it Havesting Time for my Critical Jack???? THXa

    i started 12/12 on july 4th but i had a section in the same grow room that was vegying i tryed to seel it off best as i could but i know that it effected my flowering IM GETTING BETTER PICS so stand by and ill get some good ones those pics suck.
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    IS it Havesting Time for my Critical Jack???? THXa

    Just let me know what u guys think. THxs I hAD SOme better ones but i can't find them still tryin to look for them.
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    Bad MITE problem..

    thxz for the help im going to have to go buy more mighty wash... Is that stufff any good or what
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    Bad MITE problem..

    I use Mighty Wash on them and im not sure if they are gone. Any suggestions THX... I use the Whole bottle of Might Wash in 1 week.. THXS
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    PICS!! Help my Acapulco Gold Strain is having problems

    k thanks guys im going to clone her then repot...
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    PICS!! Help my Acapulco Gold Strain is having problems

    Ive got a couple plants but only 1 acapulco gold. The leafs are turning yellow and tips are drying out. All my other plants/strains are doing perfect. Nothing different any ideas PLZ thxs..
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    8T Daylight Florecent Light 2 4' will this work for VEG

    Im just needing help with knowing if this florecent light is any good for my plants. Its 4 foot and has 2 lights in it and im using 2 8T Daylight bulbs. Plz help i need some advice. Thxs, Rob
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    Looking for best fertilizer

    k thx for the feed back im doing outdoor grow. Where can i get the best things for outdoor plants. thx rob
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    Looking for best fertilizer

    Can anyone help me out with suggestions on what kind i should use and where i can get them from. Im looking for the best stuff and im doing outdoor. Im mostly just lookin for fertilizer for flowering time. Thx Rob
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    No im not sorry im by Chicago.. I would love the help.. this is my 3rd grow second outdoor...

    No im not sorry im by Chicago.. I would love the help.. this is my 3rd grow second outdoor grow.. But im lookin for the best Fertilizer i can get for my plants.. U know any site that would be good.
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    thx again for the comments back like i said i will keep this grow updated even when i put them outside... thx rob
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    okay thx for the comments.. ILL keep u guys posted on these strains... BIG BANG, Critical Jack, Moby Hash, Early Grizzly,Acapulco Gold, and Super Critcal..... WHAT DO U GUYS THINK OF THESE STRAINS...Ive never smoked any of them.. thx Rob
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    what do u guys think are my babys okay.???????
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    there is 2 lights and there about 4 feet long..