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  1. V

    Big Problems in pre-veg

    No one else have any opinions???
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    Big Problems in pre-veg

    ill have to check and report back no one else have any thoughts?
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    Big Problems in pre-veg

    Hi i have transplanted my rooted cuttings of ghs exodus cheese into my iws system but in 3 weeks they havent grown they in groups of threes under 125cfl, when i first transplanted them i didnt know but my buddy had put too much nutes in the iws resevoir so a week later i had a high reading on my...
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    Do you think I can get close to these figures?

    are you doing this legally if so where
  5. V

    Two days without watering in wilma clay pebbles HELP NEEDED

    Hi I am using 10 pot wilmas and my timer for my pump was left off accidentally for two days and now my plats look like there dying, they have gone yellow from the bottom up and drooping leaves, I have since doubled the watering feeds are my plants salvageable id be heartbroken if 40 exodus...
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    Afghan Ku$h Ryder flush time!

    how much do you get dried weight per plant bro