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  1. N

    rootbound = better buds???

    i have 4 white widow. i left two in 3 gallon pots(normal) and put two in 5 gallon geopots. The ones in the smaller pots finished earlier with more dense, smaller nugs... the ones in bigger pots where bigger but more airy. in terms of quality they seemed similar.
  2. N

    compost tea through flowering/ fighting against bud rot?(foliar feeding)

    compost tea fights against disease when applied as a foliar feed; with this being true, can foliar feeding be done through flowering-- possibly to harvest? does compost tea fight against bud rot?
  3. N

    compost tea am i understanding

    becausefoliar feeding helps fight against disease and mildew, is it possible to foliar feed later into flowering or maybe up until the last week or so?? does it fight against bud rot?
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    compost tea am i understanding

    just skimmed through more of this, and i understand much better where nutrients should come from; dead bacteria and fungi and bacteria and fungi waste) the paper showed that Nitrate is active in the organisms, and phosphorus--"Properly made, aerobic compost contains an amazing amount of nitrogen...
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    compost tea am i understanding

    than you for this, going to start read will get back to you if i have questions... any more information will be helpful(the more the betteR)
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    compost tea am i understanding

    so you are saying use a super soil from the beginning and then only tea feed every watering?
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    compost tea am i understanding

    are you saying you suggest some like put nutes in tea before giving it to the plants or switch between nutes and tea every other watering?
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    compost tea am i understanding

    i have recently been research compost teas(very new to this type of growing). i understand it is about feeding the soil bacteria and fungi(if done right the good ones); however, i am confused on if this in-turn gives you npk values or those are something you have to add to the compost or feed...
  9. N

    Vertical kinda sucks

    first off, if cooling is your problem; your vent and fan placement is TERRIBLE. all you need to do is put a box fan on the floor under your light, then have your ventilation directly above your light, no cooling tubes(super inefficient lighting) no ac or chillers necessary(unless for your hydro...