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    Botanicare pure blend pro bloom in organic soil

    The essential elements of Pure Blend Pro nutrients don’t come from industrial chemicals like urea and ammonium nitrate, and eliminate the harmful heavy metals, like arsenic, mercury, and selenium that often contaminate commercial chemical fertilizers. The natural, organic and bioorganic...
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    straight coco... or coco and hydroton?

    decoration.hydroton isnt bad but i wouldnt mix it with the coco i would just put a thin layer on the bottom of the pot then at the coco on will be good for draining and the roots will get some nice air.ive used it in this way with coco before with good results.definitly rinse the...
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    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    Welcome RIU'ers! Just thought that I would start this thread now since I have been a little busy over the weekend prepping things for this season. I have picked up a tent and made what I like to call the "Mom Box". I have prepped the area and will begin to assemble the carport over the...
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    First Hydro Grow in SuperLocker 2.0 Need seed help

    have you considered autoflowering strains? (i have no experience on auto strains personaly) I have bought from nirvana before and think they are under rated. They treated me awesome deffinately check em out and they're cheap. On the strain matter you probly want to lean towards indicas. I like...
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    -Vertical Grow- Afghan Kush AF Journal

    the leaves are curling up and lower leaves r turning a light green/yellowish colour. i read up on it never found a concrete answer. could be my fan is on all the time and constant wind and too close to the light can cause the leaves to curl up or it could be a zinc problem. so i adusted the...
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    Things to Know About Lighting

    spots, particularly high locations, like trees and buildings. The Empire State Building is struck by lightning on average 23 times each year, and was once struck 8 times in 24 minutes. Actually, most lightning strikes are made up of multiple individual strokes, meaning that what we see as a...