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  1. P

    Getting high before work

    I am a Sous Chef at a golf resort and I never go to work high, maybe a little when im coming off a high but never intentionally.
  2. P

    what type of jobs have my fellow stoners got?

    Nice, I hope to own my own butcher shop some day. I am currently the Sous Chef at a golf resort.
  3. P

    So I started a plant..

    She is lookin good, cant wait to see the end result.
  4. P

    how much weed do you smoke each day

    I smoke on average a gram a day. I am a sous chef and I work constanlty, I am also a full time student and I compete professionally through the ACF. Needless to say I am a very busy person and I take my profession, my studies and my competitions very serious and I do not smoke until I am done...
  5. P

    Watering system

    I have a bad situation. Somthing has come up and I will have to leave my plant alone for two weeks in July and one week in August (indoor CFL). Can someone recommend what I can do about watering? My other concern is that I wont be able to adjust the lights. Any help will be much appreciated.
  6. P

    I need some advice.

    I started my plants in the seed starting MG mix, and they do look very healthy so I am glad that it wasnt a mistake, I have heard a lot of negative comments about MG so thank you for putting my mind at ease. As far as the containers, wow I didnt realize how much room they need. I was planning on...
  7. P

    I need some advice.

    I am about a week and a half into my first grow. I made the mistake of starting my plants in MG soil. I was wondering what the best type of soil would be to transplant them when they get a bit bigger. Also what kind of nutes do my plants need during veg and when are they old enough to give them...
  8. P

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    I have been following this thread, can't wait to see what the re-vegs yield, very curious. I am currently in the early stages of my very first grow (about a week after germination) and I have been thinking through the best ways to make the most out of a little and I definatley see re-vegitating...