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  1. klogrower

    first closet cfl grow; any and all opinions or tips highly appreciated!!

    Ok that's a lot tto start with but I give u props and yes raise the lights about 4 inches above them for now and let the grow to about 2 inches from the light then keep it 2 inches until they are a little older to much light will stun them that young and change to 18/6 imidiately. And make sure...
  2. klogrower

    AN's Bud Candy Vs. Epsom Salt .... Is there a difference?

    I used all the expensive stuff and honestly I've had great results with a mix I've come up with I'm still tweaking it on different strands but I do use epson salt and unsulfered gramas molassas robust I quit buying the expensive stuff its a waste of money
  3. klogrower

    Adding CFL light. Good or Bad?

    Lumens are quite visible 5 feet away from a cfl but it wont do nothing for a plant unless its closer and u can keep a 1000 watt hps 2 ft from the plants I bet leds wouldn't do much from there and niether would cfls id rather pay a lil more and have my good quality and quanity
  4. klogrower

    Adding CFL light. Good or Bad?

    Lumens are measured for the amount of visible light its for human use not plants u need to go by the kelvin scale it has a very wide variety of different colors I'm a fan of the kelvin scale for growing read up on it and it will let u grow plants in so many different ways I use hps 400 and...
  5. klogrower

    Salt build up? heat stress? not sure whats wrong with this plant.

    Id go with a deficiancy bro what's the nute ratio? And hows ur drainage
  6. klogrower

    Trying to fix my sad, sad plants

    Ur doing rite trying to fix them but they have been severly stressed id personally put them outside and start new with clones or seed they will blow them away in no time bro I use the 12-1 light scedule for veg 12/12 for flowering and I'm expiermenting with a new light scedule 6-6-6-6 on off on...
  7. klogrower

    veg time vs plant height

    Well are they in 4 inch pots? If so I've personally flowered 20 inch tall plants and got 13 grams each give er take now I use 1 gal pots and grow 7 plants and yield about 2 ounces each I get clones and put them strait into 12/12 under 400 watt hps and 10 26 watt cfls and 7 15 watt flouresent...
  8. klogrower


    I use 1 1/2 tablespoons unsulfered molassas per gallon of water 1tsp bloom booster per gal. 1/2 tsp epson salt and shake it all up in 70-78 degree water shake really good and water this is for my flowering cycle I use this mixture every watering and only water when 2 inches of soil is dry and...