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  1. T

    My First Grow, 200 Watt CFL,Green Crack-Master Kush

    how do i delete stuff on here? i cant find the edit key.
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    My First Grow, 200 Watt CFL,Green Crack-Master Kush

    Should be ready before newyears, christmas timeish, im thinking
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    My First Grow, 200 Watt CFL,Green Crack-Master Kush

    From the 5 that i had, i took 2 and put them under a 600 watt HPS , i wanted to see the difference in growth. So far they kinda look the same, the ones under the HPS are alot stickyer lol, i can like see the sap on every bud, when i was trimming my scissors, they were getting stuck together...
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    My First Grow, 200 Watt CFL,Green Crack-Master Kush

    Hey, sorry i havent posted in a long time, but here is whats going on now. Same stuff as before, I used the exact same light for flowering. 200 W 6500K CFL. Been doing 12on/12off lighting. All i have been using is miracle grow lol.:clap: But its turning out really good i think, here are some...
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    My First Grow, 200 Watt CFL,Green Crack-Master Kush

    So this week i transplanted them. Got some bigger pots and new organic soil. -2.5 Gallon Plastic pots -Happy Frog Organic Soil, Ive been seeing new lighter leaves and some brown spots, i touched them and it felt burnt. I don't think my last soil had enough of the Nutrients that they needed...
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    My First Grow, 200 Watt CFL,Green Crack-Master Kush

    Awesome, thanks for the advice, ill go do a little grooming and look at my light right now.
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    My First Grow, 200 Watt CFL,Green Crack-Master Kush

    Thanks, Here is a update, new pics from this week. ill try to keep a update like every monday or some thing.:weed: They seem to be growing fine, the tops start out a yellow greenish color but then eventually change to just green. The camera im using is a iphone, its all i have. sorry for the...
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    My First Grow, 200 Watt CFL,Green Crack-Master Kush

    Right now im running the light on 24/7 with No timer, Yes it is selfbalast, The light says it should last 10,000 hours and has a 1 year warranty :) I keep the fertilizer moist, i water then like every 8-9 hours. so far so good.
  9. T

    My First Grow, 200 Watt CFL,Green Crack-Master Kush

    This is my first grow, its a 200 watt CFL. I Had 10 Clones, 5 Master Kush, 5 Green Crack, They all got mixed together some how lol... and i split them with some one else. So im not sure which is which now but i should find out toward the end. Or maybe you guys can tell me :) So here are some...