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  1. N

    first time making cannabutter

    so I just made some cannabutter last night using about a half ounce of dried/cured sugar leaf, and a little more than a half ounce of dried/cured ground up bud for 3 sticks of butter. I cooked it all together for 3 hours strained through a wire strainer and a cheesecloth. Let it sit overnight in...
  2. N

    questions with drying, help!

    So, I just cut down 2 of my plants, a purple urple, and a autoflower double diesel ryder. Now my questions are, on the purple urple, it was absolutely coated with visible trichs like crazy, and the ryder was too, just a little less. they've been hanging for two days now and the visibility of the...
  3. N

    Another Newbie Needs Help!

    Yeah i mean ive never used anything over 400w but i put 3-4 plants under my light so i can only imagine what 200 more watts would do. i would just try to raise your light in the begining and see how your plant reacts as you move it closer. but you could always look into a dimmable ballast and...
  4. N

    Starting 2 more girls!

    First one it the auto blueberry and the second one is the auto mazar. day 2 after breaking soil
  5. N

    Nothin brah whats good

    Nothin brah whats good
  6. N

    Another Newbie Needs Help!

    wow, sounds like you have alot going on! im sorry this is happening your first time, but hey you gotta start somewhere, dont get discouraged! I think you can get alot more help with a better quality picture or maybe just a few more. But Based on your one picture and your description, im gonna go...
  7. N

    newbie white widow grow first grow

    Also have a white widow just under a month old, probably about 2 1/2 ft. tall. i saw alot of my bottom growth over night it just kinda sprung up and got kind of bushy (cant complain). feel free to pm me maybe we can bounce ideas or info off each other. but maybe depending on the room you set it...
  8. N

    Afghan kush autoflower first week... is this slow growing or normal?

    ^^ agreed. take it easy for now the roots are just getting ready to supply the plant with what it needs, as long as they look healthy don't trip over it. If you still want extra precaution cover the sides of the cup like the others said to protect baby roots. dont stress my man its a day at a time
  9. N

    Starting 2 more girls!

    Hey guys! I slacked on keeping a journal for the plants i originally started with (2 purple urple clones, White Widow, And a Double Diesel Ryder-DDR) so i germd 2 more seeds and am gonna track the progress. Based on the results i got from the DDR which is an auto i chose to start 1 auto Mazar...
  10. N

    First Auto Grow, Just want to see how im doing (pics)

    Thanks for the feedback! will update you guys some more soon!
  11. N

    First Auto Grow, Just want to see how im doing (pics)

    Have one auto double diesel ryder going along with my regular female plants. Never grown autos, dont know what to expect. Its about 2-3 weeks in to flowering just want to see if it's on the right track. Thanks!