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  1. SuperNeeGROW

    Bag Seed and a Budget

    I really truly deeply appreciate the advice and love, MRSA, but I wish you didn't post in here lol. First line, second sentence, first post above. But really thank you just in the future please discuss this with me in my discussion page...the link is in my sig or in the second post above...
  2. SuperNeeGROW

    Bag Seed and a Budget

    Been a busy day today. Both at my real job and in the humidity tray. Good news and bad, so first the bad... #4, for whatever reason, decided to pass on. She popped up, hung around for a few days, and not once did she open her leaves. She fell over. I tried to support her with a clump of...
  3. SuperNeeGROW

    Bag Seed and a Budget

    Well, day 13 is about at its end. Checked on the nursery a few minutes ago and counted 10 sprouts all together, with another 2 bulging. Posted new pictures in the album of all the family, so feel free to have a look and comment. Below are just the new ladies. I know they're only seedlings...
  4. SuperNeeGROW

    Bag Seed and a Budget - discussion

    Yeah I'm just craving some outdoor. Grew inside a few times, couldn't really get it all the way right though and my harvests were hit and miss lol. People keep telling me nature is the best way because I don't have to mimic it, and even something planted outside in the shade would yield an...
  5. SuperNeeGROW

    Northern Lights X BB auto & Speed Devil auto

    Nice job, man. Will be watching closely :eyesmoke: Sub'd!
  6. SuperNeeGROW

    Bag Seed and a Budget - discussion

    Thanks for stopping by and you encouragement, of course, is much appreciated, Cloudz. The CFL is kept about 6 inches above the plants. I really don't intend on supplying anymore light than that due to how I plan on only using this setup to sprout some plants and ready them for the outdoors...
  7. SuperNeeGROW

    Bag Seed and a Budget

    Keeping a close eye on my plastic cups, which I'll now call pc1 and pc2, and #3 for any signs of harm due to the LST. So far so great they're responding wonderfully and pc2 is actually breaking up the soil I covered her up with. Based on that I resorted to propping a galvanized nail on them to...
  8. SuperNeeGROW

    Bag Seed and a Budget

    I woke up this morning to a couple of things. First thing I checked my shotglass to see if any seeds happened to germ. One did. The rest didn't look so good so I potted the one that looked good and tossed the rest. No matter I have another batch started, approx 15 hearty looking seeds...
  9. SuperNeeGROW

    Bag Seed and a Budget

    Discuss here! or here
  10. SuperNeeGROW

    Bag Seed and a Budget - discussion

    Discussion page for my grow journal "Bag Seed and a Budget." I welcome any and all advice, tips, props, and hate. Check out my grow here, and thanks for stopping by! *** In case my links don't work :bigjoint:
  11. SuperNeeGROW

    Bag Seed and a Budget

    Welcome, and thanks for stopping by! Feel free to follow along as I attempt my first outdoor project, just please do not post here. I'll create a discussion page :wink: This project started with 2 plants I attempted to grow in earth soil and plastic cups. I wanted, and still want, to...
  12. SuperNeeGROW

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello, all. New member here @ RIU, name's whatever you wanna call me so it's nice to meet you. I'm planning on a decent-sized grow, in fact have started said grow, and just wanted a place to talk about it, post pics, swap some tricks of the trade, and hopefully learn something. :peace...