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  1. CannabisAficionado

    Any Web Developers here, javascript experts????

    Hi, Im a web developer myself and ive been searching for some answers and help and the developer forums arent very helpful maybe i just need to wait more for an answer, but if you like programming and are a javascript expert please could you clarify something for me. Let me know and ill show...
  2. CannabisAficionado

    Startin to get tired of weed

    I love weed and everything, but come on!!, how can you say that beer and weed is a better high than pills, that will only make you puke all over the place and make you feel like shit if you exceed the beers. on the other hand pills are like pure pleasure, theres nothing better to describe pill...
  3. CannabisAficionado

    Movie Thread

    One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
  4. CannabisAficionado

    There Will Be Bud

    hahahahahah. this made me laugh.
  5. CannabisAficionado

    Florida Cops Get Revenge

    I totally agree. I dont know what we would do without cops, they keep everything safe and in order, and i already know that the first place i would call if something bad happened is 911. I have no problem with cops except for the fact that they will bust me for weed, and if they bust me, i...
  6. CannabisAficionado

    Things i learned this weekend

    Thanks fdd, im going to spread that one!!! very interesting.
  7. CannabisAficionado

    Things i learned this weekend

    Im curious about joints beign healthier than bongs. please explain.
  8. CannabisAficionado

    Weed and Airport security

    Hahahahahahahahah This thread started with put it in your pocket, tape it to your leg, stick it in a jar of vaseline and ended in shove it up your ass and shove it up your pussy.:mrgreen:
  9. CannabisAficionado

    Marijuana web counter?

    I know where you can find a web counter, but i dont know what a marijuana web counter is. explain yourself better.
  10. CannabisAficionado

    Stoner Movie.. watch it high

    Ok, only high quality movies for you guys, highly recommended. The links are for torrent downloads, you just need bittorrent or any other program. LINK LINK LINK
  11. CannabisAficionado

    Intelligence And My Wellness

    I cant imagine what kind of person would write something like this, what is the purpose your magesty???? Oh no sorry i shouldnt have looked at you directly in the eyes. man youre really really dump for writting that. I cant believe you wrote that, did you ever saw that movie "mean creek". If...
  12. CannabisAficionado

    Weed and Airport security

    Yeah i meant the seeds alone. so is it totally safe???? Where should i hide them??
  13. CannabisAficionado

    Playstation 3 or Xbox

    My Vote goes to ps3, has blu ray dvd player, just a blu ray dvd player is nearly the price of a ps3. xbox has an hd add on, but blu ray already won the dvd war and toshiba already announced that hd is dead. so do yourself a favor and buy a ps3, in the long run its the best choice, plus haze is...
  14. CannabisAficionado

    Weed and Airport security

    Hahahahahhahaha no im not eating the seeds to poop them out later, im growing hydro:hump:. Im traveling in 2 days to australia, and i want to take some seeds with me, bagseeds from some good weed i had, im finally moving out of my parents house so im going to be growing. Why is it pointless...
  15. CannabisAficionado

    What is the most weed tolerant place to live?

    Thats awesome, there are $500.000 islands. Its not unnatainable, a good lease and you got it. Man im working hard for one of those.
  16. CannabisAficionado

    Weed and Airport security

    What about seeds??????
  17. CannabisAficionado

    "super high me"

    Yeah i saw it today, its not great, but its definitively worth it!
  18. CannabisAficionado


    Look at this kid dance!!!!!!! Little Superstar
  19. CannabisAficionado

    Not Guilty

    Ok man im sorry, i guess i should have read the entire thread, if it was your first time, its ok, everyone makes mistakes, i just tought you were a regular at it.:blsmoke: And no man youre not a worthless criminal, if i was one of those closed minded people that made you feel like that im sorry...
  20. CannabisAficionado

    Not Guilty

    And keep it going with the insults, why dont you anwer in a smart way or something. that only shows the kind of person you are. I would be ashamed to tell someome that i stole a car and got away, but yet you say like you are so proud of it. Youre the biggest loser on this site, wah wah stop...