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  1. quietecho

    Boomers in my pot!

    Very healthy soil good job.
  2. quietecho

    newbie question

    600 is better than 400 and hope for 8 Oz. each.
  3. quietecho

    Help me recognize...spidermite or what else?

    im not sure but it does seem like alot haha.
  4. quietecho

    Help me recognize...spidermite or what else?

    Looks like thrips to me, i'd pinch those two bottom leaves off and spray with an organic pestide. The black spots are thrip poop. Mighty wash, tobacco leaf juice, diluted alcohol, dish soap, and cinnamon works. Treat your soil too!!!
  5. quietecho

    Black nug

    smoke it up!! might have been close to an A/C unit and the cold air brought out her dark purple colors.
  6. quietecho

    autoflower feeding?

    Once the plant gets its second set of leaves id say you should start to introduce feeding with a ppm around 300-400 veg nutes for a couple weeks then feed bloom nutes around week 3. Read your plant and feed as necessary, there is no specific feeding schedule for growing anything, each plant is...
  7. quietecho

    seed germination

    Dont over think it! plant it, put a light on it, and let it grow. no dome.
  8. quietecho

    PPM overnight

    yes you answered your question, back off the nutes by 300ppm let them drink some pure water between feedings will help.
  9. quietecho

    Dr.Who grow out

    So how did they do?
  10. quietecho

    Dr. Who

    very nice thank you for the info.
  11. quietecho

    Flush question

    In my experience with grow shop employees is 90% have no clue what they are talking about no more than you do. They are just a sales person running the store. Stop asking him questions and look up the information from reliable sources online.
  12. quietecho

    My ultimate grow room!!!(any tips or advice or compliments)

    The hook in the ceiling looks like it has to much tension being pulled on it from the winch. Also I would shroud that fan they hurt haha. Beautiful setup though. I like the elevated grow bags. Do you have any videos on youtube id love to see video updates on such a nice setup.
  13. quietecho

    whats the problem?

    What are you talking about? of course i give them plain water in between being fed. Why would i not water in between feeding? That to me makes no since, my pot size is 5 Gal buckets. My low humidity forces me to water maybe more than you? My humidity this past week hasn't been over 40. Of...
  14. quietecho

    whats the problem?

    Thank you for all the responses, I flushed the beginning of last week until my run off ppms were below 300 then fed them with ppm of 1200 with the addition of epson salt which i now have Cal/Mag on hand and will not be using epson salts anymore. I do not believe i am over feeding them, i am...
  15. quietecho

    whats the problem?

    I fed last week with epson salt for Cal / Mag and have read you dont need cal/mag additives when using heavy 16 nutrient line.
  16. quietecho

    whats the problem?

    yes i have been looking at those plant def. guides I just wanted an opinion from someone else if it is infact P Def? and what can i do to fix the problem and why do i have this problem while using heavy 16 nutrient line? I am on my second week into flower. I dont see why i should have this...
  17. quietecho

    whats the problem?

    Here is another pic of a leaf that is further along i believe.
  18. quietecho

    whats the problem?

    I am using promix BX with heavy 16 nutrient line, I feed once a week. My lower fan leaves look necrotic and I think it is a phosphorous deficiency and opinions are appreciated thank you.
  19. quietecho

    SE Michigan grow clip

    Yes thats wet weight, 1.5 Lbs. dry thanks man
  20. quietecho

    SE Michigan grow clip

    Just a clip of my recent grow. God Bud strain