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  1. hellbender

    So I found a plant...

    You want to talk about Karma but then degrade someone?I say Karma is working for this kid!Someone said he stole from Mother Earth as well,but don't you all cheat Mother Earth when you play with genetic strains?Ever find a penny?
  2. hellbender

    What Are You Listening To? L7nVOsVmBvLBd6D86Ks3plg
  3. hellbender

    Any of you ever fucked around with sister or mother in laws??

    Hell,I don't think it would ever work for someone else.Unless she messed up
  4. hellbender

    Any of you ever fucked around with sister or mother in laws??

    your leaving out step daughters?
  5. hellbender

    Ocean Forest vs Happy Frog Please Weigh In

    Well Hell!I'm using a 50/50 of HF and MetroMix900 amended with worm castings,bonemeal,kelpmeal,&rock phosphate.Using 5gl buckets outside and watering a lot because of the heat we have,now drought,and use the tea from my worm bins about once a week.What do y'all foresee me doing come August when...
  6. hellbender

    Potatoes for clones?

    I'm with DaKushMan,I'll be doing this in the am while pruning for the four main cola tech.
  7. hellbender

    *** Basic Guerilla Guide*** to start you off

    Sucks to hear about the autos but those are Looking Good!I've never seen so much green at the base of any of mine or others before.Like how you have slate around the bases to detour any diggers and hold the moisture.Looks like you'll be propping those bad babes up come August when the buds start...
  8. hellbender

    Hellbender's Ar Outdoors

    So far everything is great and it's still hot as buck outside!Last Saturday my Blue Mammoth started putting on flowers.That's 26 days from putting the seeds in ground for germ,or 21 days from it breaking ground.The auto SweetTooth and Flash Babylon followed the next day.I think the big shocker...
  9. hellbender

    Stock up on eggs now people!!

    Yeah,yeah! Eggs are those fatass beans of bag seed we thought were the bomb to plant back in the day,esp if they had the lightning bolt.HaHa,just trying to get out of stranger danger dude
  10. hellbender

    Question about Subcool's super soil recipe

    Would steamed bone meal do the same as dolomite lime for the ph dive?
  11. hellbender

    What is Everyone Growing for Their 2012 Outdoor Grow Season?

    LSD Critical Kush Pineapple Chunk Fruity Chronic Juice Super Haze Diesel Autos Sweet Tooth Blue Mammoth Flash Babylon Afghan Kush Ryder Wish I would of picked up Killing Fields&Dr.Grinspoon
  12. hellbender

    What Are You Listening To? ature=plpp_video
  13. hellbender


    650 mod dualsport here.She's a beast!
  14. hellbender

    *** Basic Guerilla Guide*** to start you off

    I used Havahart Critter Ridder granular last year spread around,not in,my five gallon buckets.kept the squirrels from digging,fire ants out,and deer away.
  15. hellbender

    FIRST outdoor grow check em out you wont be sorry!!

    Most Beautiful! Nice and green Green
  16. hellbender

    Blue Mammoth Auto

    How's y'all's Blue Mammoths going?I'm twenty day in from sprout and the thing is freakin huge.Tallest,Fattest baby out of all my girls that were started at the same time.And Stanky!I grow under the sun and catch it all day long.
  17. hellbender

    Hellbender's Ar Outdoors

    Hello Everyone! I'd like to thank everyone for all the q&a,journals,and tips givin here on RiU.I've gleaned alot of information from y'all so I though I'd give a little back by throwing my own journal up here and hopefully help some out.I have grown for years but this will be the first season to...
  18. hellbender

    what size pots to use?

    I used Havahart Critter Ridder granular last year spread around,not in,my five gallon buckets.kept the squirrels from digging,fire ants out,and deer away.
  19. hellbender

    The Big 18 Wheezers' 2012 Organic outdoor.

    Good Luck Today! Hope everything works out in y'all's favor
  20. hellbender

    Guerrilla Guide

    First off,Thanks Balzac for taking the time and sharing all the info.I've only made it threw a dozen pages but so far so great.Mr.Heph,almost five thousand posts?What are you doing??But here's what I know livin in the South.Come late July into August you will be watering every other day if not...