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  1. D

    First Time molly user

    Hopefully there's gonna be moonrocks there. Would be a shame to be at red rocks and not get that trip. The pricing of them is high here in denver you think?
  2. D

    First Time molly user

    Well moonrock im hoping for but dont know if its available at this concert. That would suck if they didn't but goddamn its effing colorado!
  3. D

    Moonrocks sold at Bassnectar Concert?

    Im attending a bassnectar concert and wondering if people would sell moonrock there? That's pretty much the one I'm interested in. Never been to a bassnectar concert. I know they sell pills and stuff, people who attend the concert of course, but not sure about the moonrocks.
  4. D

    First Time molly user

    Im gonna be doing molly for my first bassnectar concert at red rocks this saturday and was wondering if if anyone knew how much moonrock costs for probably just enough for me. I have never done it before but want to try it. If not moonrock then definitely molly in the powder form? Idk if powder...