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  1. G

    topping autoflowering strains

    Thanks Po Boy. Yea ima shoot for 4 colas and top above the second node. May try to clone those as well since i will have three cuttings out of the three plants i know this isnt really gonna give me anything but if i can successfully clone a baby auto and have a lil tiny bush wit 1 bud that...
  2. G

    topping autoflowering strains

    This is my first post :bigjoint: enjoying the forum soo far. Before i start asking for help ill give a lil background. I am a first time grower but have a partner who has grown before helping me i am about to start a grow with 3 autos from the tude seedbank Nirvana bubbleicious auto...
  3. G

    LowMaster Auto, Matanuska Mint Auto, Bubblicious Auto, Green-o-matic indoor

    Anyone know where he moved his thread to??? He has two of the seeds i jus ordered and im REALLY interested in seeing the rest of his grow. Im a first time grower