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  1. N

    how do i feed my seedlings once they get transplanted into dwc before roots come thru

    use like 1/8 strength nutes .. make the water level about 1/8 inch below the netpot .. turn it on as the bubbles pop on the surface and the air escapes through the netpot itll create a very humid environment for seedling as well as splashing the rockwool keeping it just moist enough ....
  2. N

    Seedling going pale pls help somebody!

    there is your answer.. you should be around 6.5 -6.7 for soil
  3. N

    Third time's the charm?

    odds are .. your burning them ... start hard flushing add yucca extract to 24 hour old tap water give good 3 ish days of flushing water.. then brew compost tea and apply to soil without nutes in it. Top dress the soil and water it in with compost teas. if your completely against that ... hard...
  4. N

    Leave curling in on themselves

    add more drainage holes and perlite if they are still small enough to get some in. Then flush hard un phed water that has been sitting aerated for 24 hours. Top the FFoF with cow manure composted from the store mixed with perlite or coconut chips or something. Then water with compost tea...
  5. N

    lights off 3 days during flowering

    depends on your total flowering time how big of an impact this will have... a 13 week haze strain less impact then a 7 week.. If there are no bulking hormones in the plant the fruit cant add more weight and begins to ripen... bulking hormones come from light.. so yeah its an issue.. if you have...
  6. N

    Music: Potential Effects on Cannabis Growth

    not really mumbo jumbo .. mostly to do with frequency and strength of vibration 2440 cycles per second is optimal I believe and should face top down in the grow room. anything outside the range 2400-2500hz causes stress in plants causing them to die quickly. The way this works the vibrations...
  7. N

    cloning auto flower

    depends if its a true 24 hr auto or not.. some autos will veg in 24 hour light and flower 22hr or less not true autos... if you take away all infrared light and use led blue only for 24 hr light and its not a true 24hr auto it will clone and you can veg it.
  8. N

    Can you send a mother back into Veg after she starts flowering?

    your good... you have a couple of options. you could take a cut continue to flower and then reveg the clone... or you could reveg the mother and take clones with buds off of it until you get them all.. these flowered mom clones are called monster cropping like the guy up top mentioned...
  9. N

    question about dog and fan leafs

    Tomato plants are whats known as a nightshade.. which are poisonous leaves edible fruit.. all of cannabis is edible and from what I heard is as healthy juiced as wheatgrass... I did hear a report that dogs in california/oregon/etc are affected by the smoke tho in a negative way.. not sure if its...
  10. N

    GSE injection ourdoor food crop hydroponics

    one more thing... probably helps fight root rot... just a guess
  11. N

    GSE injection ourdoor food crop hydroponics

    a swarm of 35 plecos and 5 channel cats and 5 koi .. GSE was successful but couldn't fight the onslaught within first 3 days water clarity improved down to 1 foot deep from 1 inch. Fish were unharmed ... the bloom was halted and the plants where not affected by the gse... unfortunately the gse...
  12. N

    GSE injection ourdoor food crop hydroponics

    Ive seen reports GSE(grapefruit seed extract) works excellent for algae clean up in reses. Ive had an outbreak in my outdoor hydroponic res over past 4 days mostly from me forgetting to cover the res.. and rather than water the yard and flush and clean it ... Im going to try to revive it with...
  13. N

    homemade alcohol

    its fun great hobby a lot to learn just like growing... do you want to make beer wine or moonshine? making a good beer or wine is where you should start because its the foundation to good moonshine making.. if u need advice I make all 3.. ya know for personal consumption.. and dont let people...
  14. N

    Why all the trichome production???

    sorry im not a really good writer ... my specialty is math and science not language so forgive me
  15. N

    Why all the trichome production???

    word when growing flowers that are short day like weed .. I increase the light towards the end .. not shorten it Edit: I figure Id explain why as the short day plants cycle through the light cycles the blue and red light produce what I like to refer to as the bulking hormone.. in veg state the...
  16. N

    Torn about root zone temperatures.

    Seems like you know why a hot root zone works cause you read about it.. but you don't know how to hit those levels safely in your rez without breeding bad stuff. first thing to remember is its not the hot rootzone that increases growth but a colder canopy and hot root zone. Plants see no real...
  17. N

    Autoflower not flowering - advice please

    Autoflowering plants I believe are different than normal strains in the fact that they ignore photoperiod on off switches in chemical production created from blue light spectrum photosynthesis(blue light on -> chemicals produced to grow->light off -> converts chemicals to flowering chemicals)...
  18. N


    thanks, man of a few words I suppose
  19. N


    I grow indoor roses but the same still applies...flush with straight water for a week, add lower concentration of nutes, drill more holes in the bottom of your pot if you can to allow for better drainage, everyday fluff the top layer of your soil using your fingers, if you have or can get a...