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  1. P

    Advice needed for first timer

    hi all looking for any advice on this project of mine i am growing BFG Big Freindly Giant in a 48 pot iws system i am starting from seed. I am picking up seeds fri . i have the temp of 27degress so temp is gud what shud be me ph level ? i am using canna a and b with pk is there any other...
  2. P

    hi all looking for any advice on this project of mine i am growing power plant in a 48 pot iws...

    hi all looking for any advice on this project of mine i am growing power plant in a 48 pot iws system i am starting from seed. I am picking up seeds fri . i have the temp of 27degress so temp is gud what shud be me ph level ? i am using canna a and b with pk is there any other nutriants i shud...
  3. P

    What are the best nutrients to use

    wow thanks for all your replies i take it as horses for courses on the nutes just want to try and maximise my yeild fed up with living in this god forsaken country (uk) make sum quick £ and get the F@@@ OTTA HERE to warmer and drier climates so any ideas on how to maximise my yeild using 48...
  4. P

    What are the best nutrients to use

    Hi all newbe here just a little bit of advice needed what are the best nutreints on the market at moment i am using a 48 pot iws system have allways used canna A and B with pk14 as my boost i am getting good results but sure i could do better. Any ideas or advice