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  1. M

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    what you need i actually 18/6...
  2. M

    Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

    oh no.....another one.....
  3. M

    miracle grow

    I would not recommend miracle grow if you plan on using any other nutrients. mg soil has it's own nutes that are time released so you may have problems far as flushing your medium? you can't! or if you are not planning on a nutrient regiment or maybe growing outside? I've used mg...
  4. M

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    just don't forget to give them plenty of outside air!
  5. M

    i have a prblem

    yeah, quite possible nute splash.... also, might think about lower your ph to around 5.8. I have better results here when in dirt!
  6. M

    a lil help here, whats this? its not bugs i dont think? some sort of nute def

    same here...I've had accidental splashes on bottom leaves that resemble your spots! I think a nute lok will look more uniform than just a splotch......good luck!
  7. M

    Plant leaves are folding

    high 80's works ok for me as long as you provide enough ventilation & assuming you are outside....i think you'll be fine!
  8. M

    is this my marijuana plant?

    looks like a maple tree to me...I may be wrong but it is definately NOT cannabis