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  1. R

    whats the secret to maximum trichome production?

    excuse my ignorance what is mh
  2. R

    *How to maximize the yield*

    yes i heard that stress in the final 2weeks works wonders but i personally have not tried it i also heard it produces more thc to protect itself
  3. R

    Low humidity = Low odor ?

    i have the same problem 'low smell or no smell' i had 6 plants and gave 2 away the guys who have these say that theirs smell really pungently i have humidity at 50% my temp is a constant 25 and 18/19 at night. i keep the vents on 24/7 the plants are a luscious green and the buds at the end of...
  4. R

    ionic bloom can i use soil.

    well i'm totally confused as it says on the bottle 1ml per litre of water every 7 days but some on here say 4ml per litre every watering so can someone answer me this how much boost (ionic) do i use?
  5. R

    week5 of flower and leaves are turning yellow

    i have a moisture tester as well as the fact i put my finger down a couple of inch to see how it is lower down. thanks for your advice
  6. R

    week5 of flower and leaves are turning yellow

    the leaves that are yellowing are the ones that surround the bud it is not the lower leaves , i do not think it is nute burn because i had that when i first started and 'lesson learnt' so to speak, someone told me it is quite normal for the leaves to start to yellow when it is flowering as the...
  7. R

    week5 of flower and leaves are turning yellow

    my plants are in soil, lights with a 600 bulb, extract fan etc i water everyday at least once sometimes twice depending how dry the soil gets
  8. R

    week5 of flower and leaves are turning yellow

    when you say trim the outside how do you mean? excuse my naevity (
  9. R

    week5 of flower and leaves are turning yellow

    i've added pics thanx
  10. R

    week5 of flower and leaves are turning yellow

    my cheese plants are in wk 5 of flower and the leaves are turning yellow the buds look like they are all growing, albeit slow any suggestions/advice much appreciated:?: i've been using plagron bloom with big bud can't post pics yet but will later in wk cheers