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  1. Poe Kerbuddons


    I've really suspected pH as the issue. But I need corroboration to my gut feeling to go splurge on something like a pH meter. And truthfully, I'm really having a hard time believing any sort of deficiency with worm poop being the nute base. Not saying it isn't, just doesn't make much sense...
  2. Poe Kerbuddons


    This is why I hate this fucking site these days. Everyone seems to be a professor with a lecture and life lesson but lacking simple answers to simple questions. If you don't know what the spotting on the leaves is, please just say so and/or reference me to someone who does. Thank you
  3. Poe Kerbuddons

    Weird leaf development, pics inside

    What issues? Looks like a healthy set of plants to me.
  4. Poe Kerbuddons


    And I have no idea why I'm posting duplicate pictures. Apologies
  5. Poe Kerbuddons


    Here's what they look like today. Are we just calling it windburn? Seems to have stopped as soon as I adjusted the fan. Some real input would be greatly appreciated here, folks.
  6. Poe Kerbuddons


    How is worm poop deficient in N? Is that what windburn looks like?
  7. Poe Kerbuddons


    And this is them under the light
  8. Poe Kerbuddons


  9. Poe Kerbuddons


    Not quite sure what's going on, and I don't have my books with me for reference. My instinct is telling me look at the new growth instead of the old. Thoughts? Ideas? Pertinent details are in the journal I'm working right now. Ask for any clarification. Thanks, all. It's appreciated P.S...
  10. Poe Kerbuddons

    Needing a few things clarified

    Ok I think that clarifies what I was asking well enough. Although I'm super curious about this you're talking about? Details, please. Also, what's the difficulty level difference between using butane or something similar versus using liquid carbon dioxide?
  11. Poe Kerbuddons

    Needing a few things clarified

    I've been looking into butane hash oil and bubble hash, but I can't seem to find any functional differences between the two. Nor can I determine which of the two I'm supposed to use for a vape pen. Can anyone help me out here? I'd appreciate it.
  12. Poe Kerbuddons

    Wanting some advice

    What genetics should I order? I looked through catalogs for a brief while before becoming overwhelmed and decided I'd ask people who have way more firsthand experience with them. I medicate for combat related personality and anxiety issues and related insomnia and lack of appetite. I do...
  13. Poe Kerbuddons

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    So has anyone ever used or heard of anyone using myco when cooking up a super soil?
  14. Poe Kerbuddons

    Lung room?

    Can anyone send me in a direction for good information about this subject? I came across the term in a HighTimes article and they seemed to assume the reader would automatically know what it was. Thanks!
  15. Poe Kerbuddons

    WTF are these things?

    I've gone through all that info twice now and nothing is quite matching up to what I'm seeing. Thanks for the links though, man. That was some in depth and useful shit. If it were I would think it would be all over all my buds. It's pretty localized to just a few though, and across...
  16. Poe Kerbuddons

    WTF are these things?

    These little white specks are kinda freaking me out. They're not in any of my literature, so I'm bringing it before the board. What are they, are they bad, how do I get rid of them if they are, et cetera. Grow details are organic grow with homemade supersoil, watering with distilled...
  17. Poe Kerbuddons

    Don't know if this is quite a problem but..

    Hey thanks everyone for responding! She's alright now, mainly due to the advice I got here. I'll let ya'll know how she tastes
  18. Poe Kerbuddons

    Because I have no one else to show them off to

    Ha, yeah I did a one week experiment with moving the lights up a bit and quickly discovered how bad of an idea THAT was. But hey, live and learn.