I am currently in my last weeks as well and I have begun flushing with water and molasses, it works perfect for me. I use 2 tablespoons to a gallon but some use a lot less..
I'm pretty sure you cut off the bottom roots, even an inch from the sides and some on the top as well. This allows for the roots to have new room to branch out and signal growth.
Wow, those babies look good man, tight inter-nodal growth. I have yet to germ my skunk on the basis that its a sativa and I don't want to wait forever.. I'll post some pics later take it easy bro
yeah, everyone always seems to be an expert when it comes to growing.. "Bro, you know if you give you plant coca-cola your bud will actually taste great!" <--- NO!
Well I stumbled upon this website Webehigh.com awhile back, it has extensive knowledge of marijuana throughout the world and how each country deals with the "severity" of this wonderful plant.
California, actually most of the W, NW part of the country has leniency of state laws.. You're still screwed under Federal. Go to Norml.org to read up on current laws and legislation that is attempting to decriminalize marijuana.
I remember my first 2 plants (which I planted non-consecutively), when I found out the first oldest one was male "I was like HAH! I still have another plant that is good to go in 2 weeks.." Then that one ended up being male :'(.. So now I have 8 plants growing haha and if I get all males like...