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  1. wonder6977

    Foxfarm bubble bucket run

    3 sprouted. I have one Ayahuasca Purple, and Orange Velvet Underground RBX from Ethos Genetics and a Candy Apple from Elev8. Can anyone recommend a height the light should be away from the seedlings?
  2. wonder6977

    Foxfarm bubble bucket run

    Ok it's been 10 years since I've grown hydro. I'm doing 4 bubble buckets in a 4x4 space, with a co2 bag, spider sf 4000, and foxfarm line up nutes. This is going to be so fun!!!
  3. wonder6977

    outdoor 2021

    ======== I do consulting for small home growers in my area with hydroponics and aquaponics, but I will always grow TLO outdoors! I order compost by the cubic yard (just over 202gal) and use a modified soil recipe from subcool. I use 200 gal cloth pots that I make out of landscaping fabric...
  4. wonder6977

    outdoor 2021

    I'm in Michigan, we don't put ours out till 2 week of May to be sure there is no frost. The 27th should be good to put them out. I would just put them in a small DIY greenhouse till the second week of April, just to be safe. remember thought that Indicas cant take the cold as well as a...
  5. wonder6977

    A few cool photos from michigan

    Yeah I'm having a hard time controlling it. gonna take a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a gallon of water and spray the fuck out of them. Or wipe down the leaf's one at a time...
  6. wonder6977

    A few cool photos from michigan

    Whats WPM?
  7. wonder6977

    A few cool photos from michigan

    Just sharing some pics of my Michigan outdoor.
  8. wonder6977

    is this bud rot? (pic included)

    thanks for the reply everyone, y'all are awesome! I'm going to take the pics to the local grow shop and see what they think. If they can give me a definitive answer, I'll let y'all know what I find.
  9. wonder6977

    is this bud rot? (pic included)

    This is a super lemon haze. She has looked stressed since she was small and now I need to know if what I am seeing is bud rot. The first picture is the color difference between the plants and the second is the potentially infected area. All input is appreciated.
  10. wonder6977

    purple stains?

    Yes, it can happen with fresh soil. The early changing of colors can often imply a nutrient deficiency, commonly lacking phosphorus. Because phosphorus is mostly used for photosynthesis, you can have lush growth with some discoloration. However, usually there are other symptoms associated...
  11. wonder6977

    purple stains?

    Well since I got little help here, I'll post what I found in case anyone else has this problem. Purpleing can be brought on by a sudden phosphorus deficiency. If the temperature dropped to 50 degrees (F.) your plant will increase the up take-up of phosphorus and that will make plants turn...
  12. wonder6977

    purple stains?

    any idea what the problem is?
  13. wonder6977

    purple stains?

    the main reason I'm not sure if this is something other than natural purpleing from the strains genetics is because its not occurring on all the plants of the same strain and only on a few tops,and not always the main. Also the way its forming on the fan leafs and i came across it earlier in...
  14. wonder6977

    purple stains?

    hey everyone, I have a plant problem... I wouldn't consider myself a newb but I cant find the answer to what is going on with my outdoors girls. I am in Mid Michigan of the lower peninsula and the plants are in flowering. the problem is that there are what looks like purple stains on the...
  15. wonder6977

    mid Michigan 2020

    put the plants from regular seeds under a t5 light. hopefully will see what plants are male and female.
  16. wonder6977

    mid Michigan 2020

    whats the fastest way to clone these quick to put them into forced flowering?
  17. wonder6977

    mid Michigan 2020

    bummer, so I will have to force flower them if I want to know the sex, right?
  18. wonder6977

    mid Michigan 2020

    also does anyone know when I should expect to see pre flowers? most of them are regular seeds.
  19. wonder6977

    mid Michigan 2020

    more photos of the plants 04/04/2020-04/11/2020they even get a little music while they grow I do have a question for yall though. One of my super lemon haze grew a fan leaf where the top node should be. will she be ok?
  20. wonder6977

    mid Michigan 2020

    hey, sorry its been so long since the last update. I finally have photos of the operation to share!! I finally greenhouse and the plants love it!! some of the ingredients for the soil. I'm cooking it in the sun with 3 year composted mulch and fox farm soil we picked up two 250 gal food...