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  1. J

    day 1 week 4 chronic strain

    no feedback yet? :)
  2. J

    day 1 week 4 chronic strain

    Hey Everyone!! I love these forums they have been very helpful. I am in Day 1 of week 4 of flowering, and i am just looking for some input on my grow. I have never grown before and this is my first attempt. I had great success cloning some cuttings a friend gave me. out of 41 clippings i...
  3. J

    Carbo Load Powder during bloom

    Hey everyone! long time reader, first time grower and first time poster here! Lets get to it, Im just into week 3 of bloom for my 'chronic' strain. they are under 2 - 1000w HPS lights in a 6'x8'x6'(high) room. have the room lined in white plastic, and a carbon filter, along with oscilating...
  4. J

    Why trim/cut the fan leaves on clones.

    Hey guys, i finally thought it would be good for me to join some of these forums to help educate myself. i am a first time grower and i recently got cuttings from a friend. i got them all cut and dipped into rooting hormone, got them into a dome with good humidity and sprayed them twice a day...