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  1. P

    DWC - Root rot problem cant get rid of it

    Yea man orderd it for my nft system but never had to use it . Could the res be too big? and how quick should i see results from the aqua? . Got a secondary res which i exchange it with so can give the container a good clean. I have the res filled up with fresh tap water which i left out...
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    DWC - Root rot problem cant get rid of it

    The lid is completely sealed so unless the light is getting through the plastic ( Held it up to the light could not see any passing through) . Lucky i had some Aqua Shield around never been opened =) will add to it later today when i get back. Should i completely change the res as well? Ph is...
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    DWC - Root rot problem cant get rid of it

    Plants keep getting root rot Room temp: 22 (Day time) Water temp:20 (Day time) Light: 250 w changing to 600 when i hit flower Bucket: 50 L Nutrients: Canadian Xpress A and B Veg Additional supplements: Canadian Xpress Regen-A-Root ( This has saved me heaps in the past) PPM: 800 Two air pumps...
  4. P

    Bomb Seeds BIG Bomb Hydro NFT Picture gallery

    Total grow time seeds to harvesting was roughly about 3 months Was my first grow and had a few muck ups (root rot/ burning/ mag def ) but overall been pretty good to them Total net weight when harvested was roughly 400 grams . from 3 plants. Very happy with the yeild. its a real head high not...
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    Big bomb ready to harvest but only flushed for 3 days with final rise what to do

    Regardless of the flush? . Would leaving the lights off halt the trichome change ? Guess i got alot to do tommorrow then haha .
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    Big bomb ready to harvest but only flushed for 3 days with final rise what to do

    Just recently checked out my trichomes and noticed that more than 40% of them were amber. I am looking for a head high . I was planning on leaving the lights off for the last couple of days . Would i be able to harvest them in 2 days without affecting thier taste? thanks
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    Start of week 7 Flowering Big budd need advice

    Hey this is my first grow but ive seen a few plants now and one of the biggest crowns ive seen will send some pics using a 400 hps. Still two weeks to go and i heard the swell up in those weeks currently im already happy with the size of them few branches ive had to attach some wire to hold them uo
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    Start of week 7 Flowering Big budd need advice

    haha nah thats allgood will have pics up in 8 hours. Do i flush as soon as i see about half amber trich or should i start flushing now?
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    Start of week 7 Flowering Big budd need advice

    Latest in my big bud from Bomb seeds . About 30 percent of pistils have gone orange. The plants have overgrown the cupboards and its hard to keep the heat down. Is this preventing Trichome production? I have been reading alot about flushing the plant and when . Seen alot of posts about the...
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    Big Bomb from bomb seeds 5 1/2 weeks into flowering how they looking / update.

    Ah awesome thanks for that just wanted to make sure/ Was thinking exactly that will let me control them a bit more . would chicken wire be a good screen? Thanks
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    Big Bomb from bomb seeds 5 1/2 weeks into flowering how they looking / update.

    its a 400 hps got fans up the top keeping the temp around 24 and have a good exhaust system. Anything i can do instead of super cropping them ? :mrgreen:
  12. P

    Big Bomb from bomb seeds 5 1/2 weeks into flowering how they looking / update.

    Updating on my grow . They have overgrown my growing space so i have been super cropping them to keep them down obviously when they manage to grow back up i supercrop them again its been working wonders. Pictures arnt ideal but any suggestions would be great Planning on giving them just water...
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    new zealand growbox

    Yo dude i have one of these 400w setups. Nearing the end of my first grow and its worked like a charm u cant even smell it . The only problem i have is the plants have overgrown it. THe fan can make alot of noise unless u try noise re duct it. I used the same cupboard and made my own setup in...
  14. P

    Help Girlfriend attacked , what to do ??

    yes still love her .told her she needs some anger management help haha nah was the girlfriend , should i just use it as cab?
  15. P

    Help Girlfriend attacked , what to do ??

    the ripped one has got really droopy =( might just use it as cab or is there still chance for it? . Think i got to ay dont know what she might do next . Chucked in some superthrive and also using canna nutes regen a root saved me from root rot last time , haha just didnt think shed do that
  16. P

    Help Girlfriend attacked , what to do ??

    Pi Pictures explain all really. One out of 4 has been pulled out of the nft tray . Roots have been ripped and some have been left in the tray on the root matting. It had been sitting out on the side for 12 hours. Whats best to do ? Will the others be affected 2 weeks into flowering period had...
  17. P

    How they looking =) need advice on clones and flowering space

    This is my first grow , have a seperate cupboard which i veg in , Plantes 5 lemon budd seedlings and taken some cuttings from big bomb bomb seeds Flowering plants are getting to near the light should i trim them or put a screen on top to keep them down? What is happening to my clones first...
  18. P

    Big Bomb from bomb seeds , first grow , pics.

    Week 2 of flower. They are loving about 6.0 ph water with a ppm 2.0 Should i trimp them or put a screen up? Dont want to run out of space. Apart from the pics making them look yellow i can ensure they are all dark green look lovely.
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    Big Bomb from bomb seeds , first grow , pics.

    1 Week into flowering ? should i trim at all to get light down the lower leaves?
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    Big Bomb from bomb seeds , first grow , pics.

    Have been growing under a MH since july the 9th ( When they sprouted) But 2 weeks ago they had a bad case of root rot so they suffered badly , fixed it with some regenaroot and back on track . Hoping to get about half a pound? What do you reckon? Shouldnt earth juice help with this? I have...