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  1. X13

    Club 600

    COLORADO! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :leaf::fire::leaf: america is now a much better holiday option, i herd a news report the first recreational cannabis shops will open 2014 bet it makes a big difference in mindset buying under an ounce there now even though you might get nicked still before...
  2. X13

    Club 600

    think again, kids stepping on my toes might cost you the feet you stand on time will tell, and I'm not some child you usher off to bed mate. Was your respect so shallow for good reason? Sadly, there is no good reason for being shallow
  3. X13

    Club 600 Hash Competition, please vote for best pic/vid

    did i say it was illegal in california, colorado? you're writing your own jokes, thats for sure keep laughing, joker
  4. X13

    Club 600

    smoking that Psychosis
  5. X13

    Club 600 Hash Competition, please vote for best pic/vid "If someone has a predisposition to a psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia, use of drugs such as cannabis may trigger the first episode in what can be a lifelong, disabling condition" however, it may also...
  6. X13

    Club 600 Hash Competition, please vote for best pic/vid

    if you've studies the rastas, as you probably should, you will know two of their beliefs which hold true to the reality of the situation i'll spout them off for you: 1: Cannabis will strike in the hearts of evil men (the guilty, the self-doubters, the susceptible and spreaders to ignorance)...
  7. X13

    Club 600

    keeping it gully, looks like i'll be starting up proper grow in the tent next year, i owe cash something i grew up with: 'from the east side where it's loco, selling the coco"
  8. X13

    Club 600 Hash Competition, please vote for best pic/vid

    'you're never alone with schizophrenia" I'm diagnosed as the above, they've had me under legal order to be injected with anti-psychotics for over a year, and it started as cannabinoid psychosis, this shit you smoke is a double edged sword, and they'll put a mind control chip in you down the...
  9. X13

    Club 600

    Feeding in the jungle, Indeed I have some Dyna-Gro grow, it had particles in it, although i read about it here i am unsure because i do not remember the name, however i used a metal pot and re dissolved the compounds with heat over a moderate period and even though the Dyna-Gro has gone milky...
  10. X13

    Club 600

    I believe it to be possible, magnets don't really stop making stable force for a real long time, it's not against physics, they have the energy within them held fast some guy pointed four hard drive magnets at each coil of a 4 coil motor of a computer fan and it spins on its own, you should see...
  11. X13

    Club 600

    hey guys i found a cool video a while ago of this magnetic ring you can make out of placing an odd number of north south magnets in a ring and apparently when you leave one magnet out it causes a magnetic vortex you can use to make things rotate within the ring of magnets i want to build one...
  12. X13

    Monster Mother"s Grow!!!

    silly questions i checked the first post, big 800+ go for it bro you have a mad tent
  13. X13

    Club 600

    yeah i have one of those inline fans, i need to spend another 200 on a proper 450cfm fan from germany, i figure the inline will maybe be ok with only a 400w metal halide in the cooltube, but im gunna have to get a proper fan for the 600 even working with the 400 and not overheating will be...
  14. X13

    Club 600

    Man, hermies, fems I want to make fem seeds with silver or gibberellic acid, would be useful, my main problem is good strains, customs searching my packages and shit, snatching my seed deliveries, one so far, one search so far also i figure they want me to do it again so they have probable...
  15. X13

    Monster Mother"s Grow!!!

    man if i can get 10 oz out of this 600w lamp bulb i have i will be jumping and dancing a motherfarkin' jig all up and down the hallway smoking fat joints. i was hoping for around 10oz so your experience here is useful to me also what size is your bulb/s man?
  16. X13

    Club 600

    Dub-ble bubble, more like. them come into my lingo to fly out my brain
  17. X13

    Club 600

    perhaps. Can only hope to change the problem politically really. se la vie i guess we'll know when/if i get raided, peace ps; seeds germinating as we speak, got the tent and all, buying magnetic ballast this next week
  18. X13

    Club 600

    smart meters being introduced in my area, anyone got a smart-power meter? i figured it would be dangerous with them seeing exactly the power you are using at all times, even though i only plan to use 400mh and 600hps its got me a bit shitty
  19. X13

    Club 600

    i will keep the stress and work of topping in mind, I'm definitely a beginner, he prob has better strain than i do anyway
  20. X13

    Club 600

    flowmasta: how do yuo get the one plant so big, longer veg, topping? i want to grow one big one at a time, maybe using a 52L container how do you do it, killer space filler