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  1. T

    Thermal detection 400 watt or 600 watt hps lamp

    Thermal imagery can only tell you the surface temperature of something, so unless your heating the wall and or roof to an excessive degree its useless. You should be controling your grow room temps to parimeters required by plants so your room wont be 75 degrees will it.
  2. T

    Most breeders are a rip off.

    A much more reasonable response thanks shannon, i will agree that the plants from the pack of mango were very similar, i did have a high percentage of males that all showed the same internodal spacings and sativa leaves along with similar height. The main problem i have with the seeds is i chose...
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    Most breeders are a rip off.

    Thank you for your arrogant reply, Im aware that most plants go over stated flowering periods and that said flowering periods are based on a commercial guide for finishing. This mango plant has only just started flowering at most it's been in flower for 2 weeks. it's along side 2 other...
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    Most breeders are a rip off.

    Got my first KC Brains mango outside this year, had no problems with germination, but was told that they were fast flowering and early finishing. It's been in flower for about ten days and has no hope of finishing, its the most sativa dominant plant ive ever grown, so no it doesn't do what it...
  5. T

    Leaf edges curling under but healthy

    Bio Bizz feed schedule for flower is week 1,1ml per l grow, 1ml per l bloom, 1ml per l top max. weeks 2+3 1ml per l grow, 2 ml per l bloom, 1ml per l top max. weeks 4+5 1ml per l grow, 3 ml per l...
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    Leaf edges curling under but healthy

    Bio bizz only recommend 1ml per l of grow formula when in flower, have you got top max aswell? bio bizz do a chart for feeding doses right through from veg to flower as dosages vary from week to week. if i can find it ill put thier recommendations up on here for you.
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    Is this fungus or insect problem or something else?

    Its hard to see if those are necrotic spots or thin pieces of the leaves due to being eaten from underside. If its thinning due to being eaten but not geting worse your problem could already be solved.
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    Is this a male plant?

    It's a boy, not worth wasting ime and money on just start again. sorry for your loss
  9. T

    HELP! Need to start flowering A.S.A.P. , is 32 days enough?

    It will flower, just flip the light's. yield will be affected due to size of plants,but if you got to flower then so be it!
  10. T

    Guerilla grow next year?

    It is best to use caution with guano, shit is strong and will burn. Also you dont know the ratio's of available nutes in your guano. As is generally low in nitrogen you may be better of using something else or adding another form of nute to your tea to provide everything your clone's will need...
  11. T

    Guerilla grow next year?

    Guano is generaly full of phosphates or P it also depends on the bats diet the type ive been using is 1,15,1 from fruit bats i believe. Also be carefull pissing directly onto plants as urine is high in nitrates and could cause problems for your plants. Just tell your barber your playing a...
  12. T

    Guerilla grow next year?

    Human hair is about the best, get a few bags from local barber. Dog shit scattered everywhere(not fun) bat shit (expensive) even heard of people pissing everywhere and hanging dirty underwear about the place, i wouldn't advise that one though. obviously a fence would be the best option but...
  13. T

    is it male or female or herm? please help!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thats been in flower a while, I cant see hairs but caqn definately see pollen sacks, Its either male or a reallly bad hermie if you can see female hairs on it aswell, sorry for your loss!
  14. T

    Iso hash help please?!?!?

    How long has it been soaking for? a minuite is plenty long enough! Iso will evaporate at relatively low temps, could speed it up by putting iso into your evaporation container (glass bowl)then into a bowl of hot water ban marie style. make sure that the water doesn't end up in with iso. I...
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    spider mites or am i tripping?

    Are they outside? would have thought that if there is enough of an infestation to see any form of webbing you'd see the little fuckers. If they're outside could actually be spiders.
  16. T

    A few flavors.. (Blue Cheese,Purple Diesel,Juicy Fruit,Green Crack,Permafrost)

    Juicy fruit looks and sounds lovely, Are they from seed? which company?
  17. T

    leaves turning yellow with dark spots over some leaves

    It looks like a possible phosphate problem, if plant are not over watered i would say ph aswell causing nute lock out. New here not trying to play the expert just trying to help.
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    My 1-2" babies are dieing. What is the cause?

    Are the stems turning brown where they leave the soil? could be damping off from over watering.
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    Two years in a row!

    You got Roe deer in the states? Hunt these in the UK.
  20. T

    Has Amyone ever see this?

    I,ve had a Lemon skunk do this once before,it looked fantastic for first few weeks of flower, but never seemed to finish. eventually after harvest the oval shaped bud which looked large was mostly flat stalk with unusual flower formation and was utter crap. The only other times ive seem this...