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  1. firstgrow2012

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    Its an older picture of the actual plant itself but the picture of the buds is about 3-4 days old. This is my first grow!
  2. firstgrow2012

    Transplanting Issue

    This is my personal plant and I will when I arrive home, my brother is watching her for mee for the next day or 2,
  3. firstgrow2012

    Vocabulary/Slang Terms (Updated With the Missing Terms)

    This is a great list! Good job man, job well done. I'm sure it helped many newbies like myself LOL! Thanks again!
  4. firstgrow2012

    Why do you Smoke?

    I have been smoking for 6 years now, and it has just became something natural in my life, the high is great for relaxation and for having a good night! SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY MY FRIENDS!!!
  5. firstgrow2012


    Does this thing actually work? Is it a reliable site? I would like to get some feedback... Thanks :leaf:
  6. firstgrow2012

    When out of papers..

    This works but think of the smoke your wasting! A cig is always needed so why not purchase a bong and not worry about having to use a cig!
  7. firstgrow2012

    Canada's new medical marijuana policy?

    Hopefully the will legalize it sooner then the new laws come into effect!
  8. firstgrow2012

    Transplanting Issue

    Here is the before pictures, hope it helps!
  9. firstgrow2012

    Transplanting Issue

    Thanks man, So how often should I water it now that its in the earth with new soil? Also I added some pictures of the before if it helps!
  10. firstgrow2012

    Transplanting Issue

    The tempetures have actually been great here in Canada! 20-30C. Here's pictures from before the transplant.
  11. firstgrow2012

    Transplanting Issue

    What do you mean wilted?
  12. firstgrow2012

    Transplanting Issue

    After moving my plant to another spot, today she looked a little droopy. Should I be worried? Here are some images before the tansplant: After the transplant:
  13. firstgrow2012

    First Grow - Red Stems - *Need advice*

    I'm just going to start over :@ these aren't MJ seeds I bought....
  14. firstgrow2012

    Thouughts on my baby

    Sorry just realized I uploaded the wrong picture, im fixing it now!
  15. firstgrow2012

    Thouughts on my baby

    :leaf: This is my first grow that ive done by my self. Its' Day 3 today. This is outdoor R2
  16. firstgrow2012

    Looking for medical patients!!!

    I am in canada, and im a patient.... How would this work?
  17. firstgrow2012

    First Grow - Red Stems - *Need advice*

    Oh sorry, here it is!
  18. firstgrow2012

    First Grow - Red Stems - *Need advice*

    Thats a fresh picture from this morning! Please help!
  19. firstgrow2012

    First Grow - Red Stems - *Need advice*

    I had an idea that something was strange here, I will add a new picture just so you can tell me for sure!
  20. firstgrow2012

    First Grow - Red Stems - *Need advice*

    I would like to know if anyone knows anything about this! Thanks :leaf: