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  1. H

    first grow bagseed, comment

    Oh definately. These are bagseed. For some reason it seems as their growth has stgopped or stunted. Maybe when I transplanted them I didn't ge t the roots right. Or maybe the light is doing nothing, but I thought my grow light 25w 6500k blue light would promote some growth. Iv either got one of...
  2. H

    first grow bagseed, comment

    Also nthis closet is temporary as I am closing on moving into my house. I will be buying panda film, exhaust and intake fans, lights, etc.
  3. H

    first grow bagseed, comment

    Ipeeoin pools, your advise is definately noted and being put to use! I ackowledge seed two is dead beyond repair. Seed one may have a slight lean but I feel like it is responding well. I just fixed the light to be closer. I had started outdoors in pots but moved those two in. When I put foxfarm...
  4. H

    First Grow 6&1/2 Weeks Old Clone, S.A.G.E Organic...

    What kind of lighting are you using? How far is it from your plants?
  5. H

    first grow bagseed, comment

    in response, I don't call anyone a noob or whatever. All advise is much appreciated, and very well noted. Yes I ackknowledge that I over wagtered to the point that one of my plants has layed down. My question Is it possible to save seed two? I noticed that they are all very stretchy, that's just...
  6. H

    first grow bagseed, comment

    How do I prevent root rot? And what is it exactly. I watered because I thought the soil was too dry, other than that iv watered one time since they popped. But it seems that you are right, plus it has been really rainy here and they were outside. I looked this morning and seed two is still...
  7. H

    first grow bagseed, comment

    update with pic: This is my temporary closet set up. The 6500k blue growlight is n inch or two above the seedlings. I transplanted them from outdoors to potted plants wioth fox farm organic soil. I had to water them slightly as the soil is dry. During the transplant I had to dig to the very...
  8. H

    first grow bagseed, comment

    Thanks for the info! Yes I am moving these plants indoors. I am in the middle of moving into my house from an apartment. There will be my closet room with more lights, exhaust, intake, reflective material. Until then I will be using this.
  9. H

    first grow bagseed, comment

    Update: I just went and got foxfarm organic soil. Foxfarm growbig nutrients. A growlight. (125 w 6500k blue light.) I am worki ng on transplanting on my young plants. Regarding the nutes, what is the best mix ratio to water. And when should I start giving them nutes?
  10. H

    Do seedlings need dark periods?

    It is common for people top do 24 hours of light per day in this stage to promote growth. Most then switch to 18 hours light 6 dark for vegitation. Then 12 12 for flowering. I am no expert. But I suggest to promote a good veg to follow that cycle, also nutes and watering are just a vital part...
  11. H

    Need help,one week in pot growth very slow

    Are we talking seven days from germination or seven days from the time they penetrated soil? If the first, they look pretty good and healthy. Tall stretchy plants are never good. The plants look good and green so far. What type of lighting are you using? What about watering schedule?
  12. H

    first grow bagseed, comment

    I figured it out.
  13. H

    first grow bagseed, comment

    Imim trying to figure out how on this phone
  14. H

    first grow bagseed, comment

    This is my first grow. Feel free to comment. I germoinated 5 seeds into seedlings. This is day 5. All five have sprouted. They vary from two to five inches. They are growing outdoors in potted plants until I move them indoorsill do an ujpdate with more info and some pics.
  15. H

    1st "real" grow.. Advise from experienced ppl appreciated

    I would be too, I'm working on my first grow. Bagseed. Got four young ladies growing real good.four days and four inches. You probably have a better yield than I will.
  16. H

    1st "real" grow.. Advise from experienced ppl appreciated

    Subbed. Great grow for you simms and great thread, watched start to finish. And berkman and wheels notes were taken.
  17. H

    first grow, bagseed.

    Starting a journal on my first grow. Here's a catch up on the current situation. Three days ago I germinated and planted bagseed in soil outside, potted plants. Right now, 3 of approx 6 seeds have bursted thru to the soil. One is approx 3 inches, one is 1.5, and one has just penetrated soil...