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    Mind Bender For You High Thinkers

    I don't think the universe could set an unstoppable force in motion towards an immovable object... Meaning like, the energy required just isn't there. Would a truly unstoppable force have infinite inertia, mass, whatever? Would an unmovable object also?
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    Noob thread: How big of a pot, early sexing, etc.

    ok, so when's the soonest i should be able to sex them?
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    Whats the best soil that i can get for growing outdoors?

    I've heard that miracle grow has been too hot and has shocked some plants...others have had great success... to me that says that it's probly a little too hott for marijuana growing... I've heard great things about Fox Farms Ocean Forest, but it's kindof pricey.
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    Noob thread: How big of a pot, early sexing, etc.

    I see. My 5 plants are 3 or 4 inches long, and I just planted them today. Right now I have all 5 in a 1 gallon terra cotta plant. :-?:-?:-? Yeah. Anyway, should I move them into individual plastic 1 gallons buckets tomorrow, then into 3 gallon buckets when they hit 3 months, then stop at 5...
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    Noob thread: How big of a pot, early sexing, etc.

    Hey I've got 5 seeds germinated and I plan to put them in tera-cotta pots outdoors so they will blend in with some of the surroundings, and so I can move them easily. I only want to hold on to 2 females though, and for my own purposes, as I don't want to have to buy as much. First...