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  1. J

    new grower indoors help needed

    hi glad to know about you, well, I'm too a grower :)
  2. J

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    visiting the thread after long time and feeling proud because of my same enthusiastic interest still :)
  3. J

    Human Blood

    dude, please don't do it. As somebody said, even cumming will not help :)
  4. J

    First Time Grower

    dude, this is my immediate reaction 'oh it's seems to be too hot there'. How do you maintain it? have you learned the growing tips already?
  5. J

    I think I have spider mites, how can I solve this?

    dude, without a pic or more info, it's tough to say if it really is spider mites. However if you feel so, use the soap dish as already someone have suggested here.
  6. J

    2 1/2 week old, yellowing on one leaf? holes in another? pleeease helpp! PICS.

    it looks healthy man. And hey, what type of soil do you use?
  7. J

    Is this a good deal for a starter?

    I second this opinion man. They really have a great price. Check it out there.
  8. J

    price changes since law past

    oh this is the one thing I hear every day. Price will always go up and my salary always go down. Why in the world everything has to inflate bro?
  9. J

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Mr.Ganja, your avatar making me an addict.,. lol.. seriously man, have you become addicted for this avatar's dance movement? :D
  10. J

    My day today.... at McDonalds LOL WTF

    hey that was a cool story, bro. Are you still working there? did your manager say anything the second day? curious to know buddy as one need a special guts to act like this.
  11. J

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    in 70s? you are one of the senior most person here. Well, I've started growing it in my 6th grade and it's been 13years now. As you said, learned many stuff and it's still interesting as it was initially.