Search results

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    Speed driing?

    dehydrators will get it nice and dry within a few hours, but will be harsh
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    Seeking A Seed Type

    Look up. No, not in your room, on the screen. See that little box that says seeds? Click it for a world of amazement :D
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    OK gang, what is it?

    Grow it a little longer and pull it right before it pops to get the pollen and continue its lineage?
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    Getting back

    What's up everyone. Haven't been on the pot boards in awhile. The old sites I used to use got sold and I don't like the formats. Gardenscure and if anyone's intereseted. Any heads from there on here? Used the handles FitShaced and ScoobySnaxV2.0
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    HELP 1 month into flowering and no bud.

    Are you sure it's not a sativa? If I recall sativa's are the taller, wirey type;indicas are the short, stocky variety. Its been awhile since I've last done research on this subject though. Sativas generally take longer to bud if memory serves right. Gonna need a better light fo sho tho.