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  1. A

    Help!!! Need advice please.

    Leave them in the pot and move them out side in the sun for 12 straight hours. then move them some were in complete darkness like a closed garage or shed for twelve hours. Had a friend that did this and they came out beautiful.
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    Human/dog hair work amazzing just get a hair cut put the hair in a bag and puncher holes in it. hang it next to yhr plant garintie nothing will come near it.
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    Help!!! Need advice please.

    Are you going to put them in pots outside or plant them?
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    Need help someone please!!!

    Ok thanks this helped me a lot but i should still stick with the mirical grow right?...i went awall an moved one of my smallest plants today into doreced sunlight just to see what would happin and I know I didn't hit any of the roots so hopefully it sets it's self in. I mean what's the worse...
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    Need help someone please!!!

    Ok thanks for the advise. I did the all natrual way my first harvest on a patch of nice open sunny land and they came out to be some 12ft beautiful monsters but they were clones so i new they were female. This year i wasent so lucky i had to start with seeds so not sure what im getting.but i got...
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    Need help someone please!!!

    Michigan is were I call home and thank you for the replie but I have another question sensa you think my plant will stress out to much if I dug them out the ground and transplanted them somewhere with my sunlight?
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    Need help someone please!!!

    Hi there can someone please tell me why my plants arnt showing there sex yet....I have seven plants in all growing outdoors in my woods there about 2 months old and stand between 5"5-6ft tale and only one seems to be showing its pistoles. I'm guessing there not getting enough sun or maybe I...