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  1. F


    yes, yes. Answer the main question please! Why did they serve a warrant? What were you doing? Did someone tell? Too much power use? Etc. Etc.
  2. F

    Should soil be wet or dry for harvest?

    haha fdd, you're killing me here =D I can't tell if you're serious or kiddin around (I really don't want to grow a third nipple, lol) So I guess asking if it's possible to flush the nutes out before harvest (using MG) and will it be safe to smoke even if you don't get all those pre nutes out...
  3. F

    Should soil be wet or dry for harvest?

    alrighty :)
  4. F

    Should soil be wet or dry for harvest?

    actually that's a good question. What if you're using soil like Miracle Grow (yes yes, shouldn't use MG but if you are..) it's safe to smoke when it's done correct? I sure hope so!
  5. F

    ahh The great light!

    VERY cool amino! Thank you man, how's that grow going so far? Happen to have any grow pictures up in the other section?
  6. F

    CFL Use

    can you actually switch to 12/12 using the same cfl's (with a smaller yield of course) I was thinking about doing the same thing but just sticking with these for veg and flower.
  7. F

    ahh The great light!

    ahh! See, that's what i'm saying. I'm honestly not worried about the amount of bud that comes off the plants, i'll just reveg when i'm done. So what would you guy suggest for the least amount you could use with results during flowering? (Like I said, not worried about the amount that comes...
  8. F

    ahh The great light!

    Good call on that bleorg, I may have to look into that!
  9. F

    ahh The great light!

    :D no problem, didn't even think of it like that! I just hope someone with semi-good results using small lights will throw some advice down. =)
  10. F

    ahh The great light!

    haha, believe me i'd LOVE to..but my paranoia gets the best of me. I'm not as young and carefree as I use to be unfortunately :( That's why i'm looking for the least amount of light that is still 'useable' ;D but believe me, i'd be poppin a 400 if I wasn't such a pansy.
  11. F

    ahh The great light!

    I've tried looking up this question..I'm sure it may have just slipped me and it's right in front of my face but it's a good question none the less for small grower. How much light do you actually need for a 1-2 plant grow? I have read 250 is perfectly acceptable, could I go lower and if there...
  12. F

    Newbie here - heating question

    So I would assume the only way you could get 'caught' is by a few things blabbing to your friends you have a plant you're growing increasing power bills that would suggest something 'fishy' is going on the smell overwhelming your neighbors etc. I could of sworn I saw some kind of special...
  13. F

    Newbie here - heating question

    Az the state of extreme heat
  14. F

    Newbie here - heating question

    Hello, great site with helpful information! Quick question for anyone that may know. Is there a site dedicated to information about which states enforce the heat sensing technology (helicopters, cars etc.) to look at heat from your house. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys!