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  1. S

    Best Smoking device Ever!!The Persei

    Well, color me baffled. I went to the site...what is this essential oil they're talking about? Been smoking for 20+ years but this lingo is unfamiliar! I had an iolite for a this thing different? I must be old.
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    Conflicting advice about pruning! Clarify please...

    Okay, pertinent info is that I'm in zone 5, typically harvesting late September. Outdoor grow. I understand about not cutting fan leaves. But what if I'm clipping off sucker branches? Or tiny buds that won't be producing...what about their fan leaves? What if I'm pruning to open up the middle...
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    Unconventional Organics

    empty your overnight container FIRST thing in the morning, lest your toddler find it. Also, pee will stink very quickly in the heat.
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    Espalier - The art of training a tree into a flat, spreading growth pattern

    "Stranger?"! Now, there's a welcome. :weed: -workin' on my signature, seriouswhimsy
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    Espalier - The art of training a tree into a flat, spreading growth pattern

    That's an amazingly cool cat picture, dannyboy! Hi...I'm brand new to the site, I've been growing outdoors for several years. This topic caught my eye because just this morning I began setting up trellises for a couple of my girls. The espalier is what I'm envisioning. Will post pictures if I...