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  1. kuzzbro

    2 month outdorr,but want to put it in my tent under a hps 600,

    so why the fuck do you need a blue lite from a mh light if u realy dont need to use it ,wouldnt every1 just use hps then
  2. kuzzbro

    2 month outdorr,but want to put it in my tent under a hps 600,

    will it be ok or i need a mh or retro light ?????? what would happen if put it under the hps
  3. kuzzbro

    Attitude Seeds to Australia Help Please

    u can order seeds to australia i just did but not from attitude lolll
  4. kuzzbro

    first timer 2x2 tent with autos i need some help

    thanks cues..for the info,and yea i am trying to save as much as possible im getting the cash in about 1 week il have 800 to spend,and my friend has a 1x1 tent and i thought it was wasy too small to make some profit out of it ,its only personal use that small.but a 2x2 is pretty big i no thats...
  5. kuzzbro

    first timer 2x2 tent with autos i need some help

    how many u think i need for my tent size ??? and for the best yeild?
  6. kuzzbro

    first timer 2x2 tent with autos i need some help

    but if i have 3 600 hps lights wont that cost me more than 2 1000hps lights because there is a extra light. or are the 1000s just to much on the electricity bill???and with my tent size i was thinking i needed at least 2 1000 or 4 600 what u think my tents 2metrers by 2 by 2
  7. kuzzbro

    first timer 2x2 tent with autos i need some help

    and because i want to start with autos ..if i do want to change later on do the veg and flower stage with normal seeds do i need 2 seperate rooms or i can use my big tent i already have ,or should i get 2 smaller ones?? this is why im getting autos first but just to practice for hen i do big yeilds
  8. kuzzbro

    first timer 2x2 tent with autos i need some help

    well what u think i should get ??? and do u think the tent is a good size i could fit at least 16 plants yea
  9. kuzzbro

    first timer 2x2 tent with autos i need some help

    well i think i need 4 600hps or 2 1000 hps what u think is beetter for electricity or is it the same ??
  10. kuzzbro

    first timer 2x2 tent with autos i need some help

    so if i used soil it would be the best for the power usage ???? do u no if 2 1000 will use alot of power???
  11. kuzzbro

    first timer 2x2 tent with autos i need some help

    what bout 2 1000 or is that too much cause the other guy said minimum 1100 watts for my size tent??
  12. kuzzbro

    first timer 2x2 tent with autos i need some help

    im talking metres here ,sorry for confusing u guys , so 2 metres by 2 by 2 :) so any ideas since we got the tent size sorted ??
  13. kuzzbro

    first timer 2x2 tent with autos i need some help

    thanks guys for ur info ,cause i got a friend and his tent is only 1xx1x2 and his using a 600 i thouht that was too small i think il go with the 6, so isnt true that the more light u got the better yeild from it is this true????
  14. kuzzbro

    first timer 2x2 tent with autos i need some help

    can some1 help me with this pleez????
  15. kuzzbro

    baby outor seedlings

    so does that mean i should just leave it and see what happens ive gone a bit easyier on the water now just in case it was too much
  16. kuzzbro

    baby outor seedlings

    what are some ways i can stop it from going yellow on the tips then dying and going brown towards the center of the plant and on the very top the new leaves are yellow how to fix this anyone/??
  17. kuzzbro

    first timer 2x2 tent with autos i need some help

    can i use 2 600 hps lights or 1 1000 hps,and how many pots u think and what else do i need like fans and other stuff any tips thanks and are the cool tube reflectors good to use