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  1. R

    That's it. It's no longer "flushing" for harvest it's now "starving" for harvest.

    I thought this site was about helping each other and sharing grow techniques, seems to be an awfull lot of mindless bitching because they cant agree??? My 2 pennies worth, I grow in gold label compost (good quality, not too hot) with additional nutes, from week 3 to 5 (grow nutes), week 5 to 10...
  2. R

    **ULTIMATE LED TEST** *GLH Spectra 290* VS *Blackstar 500* VS *Hydro Grow LED 336X*

    Thanks to WeJuana, and all the other contributers to this thread, a great read and very helpful and informative. I do have a couple of questions, maybe you guys can help me. Of the results just published above, the overall yield appears to be +/- 60gms/plant, multiplied by 5 to each tent...