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  1. Q

    Amber Co2 oil!

    yea the oil has pretty flawless appearance.. no impurity just clear pretty oil.. but how do I turn that into wax or amber glass?
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    Amber Co2 oil!

    ok, so I have my amber oil that I extracted using only Co2, pressure, heat, and etho-alcohol.. now, how do I take this fine oil and turn it into wax or whatever the hell these kids wanna smoke? It took me this long just to learn to extract the oil.. now what to do with it.. help
  3. Q

    anyone have CO2, Nitro, Oxygen formulas.. recipes.. for good wax please!

    because if you lived in CA.. Id just have you come check it out... UPDATE: we pulled out some BOMB oil today... now working on quantity
  4. Q

    anyone have CO2, Nitro, Oxygen formulas.. recipes.. for good wax please!

    do you live in CA? lol... I am sure there is no plant matter. there are a series of screens and cotton filters. the oil lab tests at 83%. but I have issues getting rid of it to the clubs because of color...
  5. Q

    anyone have CO2, Nitro, Oxygen formulas.. recipes.. for good wax please!

    the co solvents are supposedly used after you pull the oil out of the vessel.. to process the oil.. it comes out in a snow form and "cooks" off. but the oil im left with is dark, not golden.. but it is much higher quality than any golden bho...
  6. Q

    anyone have CO2, Nitro, Oxygen formulas.. recipes.. for good wax please!

    it isnt a machine.. it is a vessel. the vessel is a stainless steel pressure cylinder rated at 6000psi and built by robins aviation.. there is a series of high pressure fittings.. a pressure gauge.. heater ring..and two out valves on the bottom. this equipment pieced together is definately...
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    Supercritical extracts, help!

    yes.. and I do understand this is kinda beyond most of our rational.. just hoping here
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    Supercritical extracts, help!

    no.. I have a vessel.. rated at 6000psi from robbins aviation. Im looking for formulas
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    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    any major city has a gold/diamond exchange. there are clear bid and ask prices. if its stamped and has a serial number.. its bullion and they will pay you bid pricing
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    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    I have been buying silver since 1999. right now is a good time to buy because its sitting low. last year we all rode a wave that took silver from 20 to 49 in a matter of 120 days... it has fallen back to 27.. BUY BUY BUY but only real bullion, no paper position bullshit
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    Supercritical extracts, help!

    does anyone know good formulas for a 6000psi rated vessel?
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    anyone have CO2, Nitro, Oxygen formulas.. recipes.. for good wax please!

    I have acquired a vessel that is rated for 6000psi. And I understand the concept that heat and pressure turns certain gasses into a supercritical liquid that acts as a solvent for the plant matter I load into the vessel. however, I am loading it with 50/50 dry ice to plant matter and...
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    Half Ounce

    go wash a car for 10 bucks dumbass. you got hustled dummy
  14. Q

    Geeezzz $4000 a bag.....

    you'd probably do better as a broker.. buy here and send it back home... good quality is like 2,500 - 3 here an probably the bullshit their used to back where you come from is most likely outdoor cali green.. so like 1600.. send it home for 38 and stack up my friend
  15. Q

    Half Ounce

    you are a fucking idiot