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  1. fruityganja

    Becoming a man

    LOL this forum is fucking lame. Thanks for showing me the content of this pathetic site, i'm probably talking with a bunch of angry virgin nerds. go fuck selves lame ass pussies
  2. fruityganja

    Becoming a man

    what's with you people calm the fuck down it's a simple conversation. I didn't say turning 35 automatically makes you a man sure you can be one way sooner i'm talking in general i have noticed that most people don't seem to be fully grown out of their childish ways until that age. Also...
  3. fruityganja

    Becoming a man

    yes i suppose so haha...i've always been pretty mature but i feel like until an older age like that you aren't really experienced or grown enough to be considered a full grown man lol
  4. fruityganja

    Becoming a man

    ok well i'm only 18 and this might sound kind of funny but i really feel like you don't become a "man" until you are like 35....yes random i know....but... opinions? EDIT: let me edit this for the ones who are now all upset with my statement, lmao. IN GENERAL MOST PEOPLE SEEM TO BE not fully...
  5. fruityganja

    My roommate thinks I tried to steal from him. Wtf.

    how much shit did he lose? One thing that came to mind is maybe he is trying to end the friendship purposely for whatever reason so he blamed you for some bullshit. I would say just offer to just give him the money for whatever it is unless its alot.... More likely though hes just a asshole...
  6. fruityganja

    gun law reform... please!

    In a perfect world no guns would be great. However we all know its far from perfect. If more people carried firearms then i bet most of these shootings would be stopped a lot quicker possibly with no deaths. Also shooters would probably think twice before killing.... It's a good feeling to know...
  7. fruityganja

    i wish this cereal would go away

  8. fruityganja

    Does Bong Water Filter Some Of The THC???

    hahahaha lmao the plants on lean