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  1. M

    White Russian mother plants, first grow - is this a problem?

    Could maybe adding some diluted 30% h202 to the next watering help? I think maybe my initial overwatering could have caused some root disease. Are they too young for peroxide? Thanks everyone for your help in advance.
  2. M

    White Russian mother plants, first grow - is this a problem?

    Hey Everyone, The problem has gone from bad to worse. There is necrosis appearing over the middle fan leaves. Ive stepped down my watering to once every 2.5 days which seems to have gotten rid of my droopyness issue on new growth I've pruned the worst ones but the necrosis is even spreading to...
  3. M

    White Russian mother plants, first grow - is this a problem?

    Thats kinda what i figured too as far as the drooping goes. The spotting on the other hand, is that a deficiency? The big main leaves on the plant are also very light green in comparison to the new diagonal growth right above each node. (im not too sure what these are called). Also, as noted in...
  4. M

    White Russian mother plants, first grow - is this a problem?

    Hi, This is my first grow, are these plants doing ok? i see a little bit of problems and i have already pruned some dead bottom leaves. Here is my setup: Hempy Solo Cups 250W HPS 24/7 at about 7" Canna Aqua Vega @ ~300 PPM (0.6 EC) PH ~5.8 every 2nd day Water is very soft >50PPM I might have...
  5. M

    It's A Fuct World

    Hi Al, First time poster; although i've been lurking your threads for a couple of weeks and am just blown away with how knowledgeable and objective you are. Fantastic contribution to the community that you have done here, Thank you!. I'm starting my first grow in a high rise building. I'm...