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  1. MetalBox

    Breeding Program

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  2. MetalBox

    Collecting pollen off a single anther (banana)

    So obviously collecting pollen off a male or when there are lots of sacs is no problem, but anyone have experiance collecting pollen of a single anther? My flo will pop a banana once in a blue moon (literally just the other night during the blue moon) and I have tried putting a ripped up piece...
  3. MetalBox

    Best Soil?

    I miss McClennon Power Flower!!!!!!!!! Hands down by far the best soil ever. Got shut down about 2 years ago for taking peat moss off protected land or something, they said it was only temporary but its been 2 years and I dont think they are coming back...
  4. MetalBox

    Breeding Program

    Post Deleted
  5. MetalBox

    Fan leaves are curling up on edges in flower

    looks like very slight overfertlization to me, the very tips of the leaves curl, sometimes turn crispy and can stay that way pretty much til they get chopped down.
  6. MetalBox

    Best purple strain to get?

    BC Bud Depot "the purps" everyone I knew was calling it Mendo purps, but damn it is some good weed, some of the highest quality purple I have seen that I actually know the seed of, not the best yeild though. Got some Girl Scout cookies thats purple and is awesome, but dont think seeds are...
  7. MetalBox

    Breeding Program

    post deleted
  8. MetalBox

    Most breeders are a rip off.

    yes you can get different results if you grow it differently, but it is an EXACT genetic clone of the parent and will grow the same in the same conditions. Sure under different conditions it will grow differently, but that is the conditions, not the strain itself. I can stunt the crap outta my...
  9. MetalBox


    100x might be a little too much zoom, I have 60x and that is more than enough to see thc crystals. for $5 I got this Iphone case with a detachable maginifying lense plus currency detector. It was $5 shipping included and it really awesome, I can take pics of magnified bud from my iphone now...
  10. MetalBox

    How to make buds dense?

    Sorry there is NO magic nutrient that will make your buds dramatically denser, a lot of desity has to do with a plants genetics, keeping the plants in stable temps and good light will certainly help a lot, but some strains are WAY denser than others. Granddaddy Purple, Cherry Pie and OG Kush...
  11. MetalBox

    Most breeders are a rip off.

    Where I live growers are the ones taking most of the risk, every night on the news growers get busted, literally every night, yet Steve, the local crook who owns the local dispensary is widely known for skirting the law and nobody does anything. The city has just written him several polite...
  12. MetalBox

    Cheaper Better Trim Scissors

    So I got this two pack of cheap trim scissors from Ace a few months ago and was really disappointed with them, so I figured since I didnt like them anyways might as well screw with them a bit, because after all I was just gonna chuck them out anyways. Long story short they are now my favorite...
  13. MetalBox

    Sannies Herijuana IBL

    Been hearing about this herojuana non stop lately, and just by coincidence I'm getting a few clones of it tomorrow along with a few trainwrecks to add to my every increasing collection. Right now I have well over 20 different type mothers sitting under a single 8 light t5 fixture, its working...
  14. MetalBox

    Electricity charge!?!?!

    I really wouldnt worry, my highest electricity bill was over $10,000 one month a few years back, the electricity company is just happy to be making a buck off you. It would be bad business to turn in their best customers.
  15. MetalBox

    Most breeders are a rip off.

    You know who I think are the biggest rip-offs in the industry is the goddamn clubs and dispensaries... They are worse than any street dealer I have ever met. They are paying growers lower rates than ever, yet 1/8th usually still range $45-$65 because they think they derserve to earn more than...
  16. MetalBox

    Hermie strain 19 days into 12/12.

    just had the same thing happen, this MK Ultra and Cherry Pie both went hermie on me, I was toying with some new genetics and the guy who always gave me good clones before screwed me. Checked my records and he even sold me the original cuttings april 1st, what a bad aprils fools joke. (btw I...
  17. MetalBox

    Breeding Program

    Fuck yeah, sativa is the best! The blue dream I have (or blue dragon i am unsure just said Blue D, originally guy said blue dragon but smells a lot like other blue dream I have seen at clubs) is the most sativa strain I have come across, with toothpick skinny leaves and quadrupling in height...
  18. MetalBox

    Breeding Program

    also I should have put days to harvest on the poll becuase I know that is an extremely important factor, I dont know if I can edit itbut just count that under "other"
  19. MetalBox

    Breeding Program

    If you wanted to buy a used one set up for medical marijuana its about $12,000, that would be an SRI 8610c with TID, thse are nice becuase they use air as a carrier gas and dont require compressed gas cylindars. I cannot afford that at this point so I am putting one together from older parts...
  20. MetalBox

    Most breeders are a rip off.

    I am gettng very much into breeding and would like to add something. Yes I agree there needs to be some kind of standardization so Blue dream in California is the same Blue Dream in New York, but genetics are a funny thing. You can take the exact same Blueberry and Haze parents breed them...