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  1. S

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I'm not sure because I can not really see but is this topped? What kind of soil & nutes are you using? Bagseed from schwag or dank? Edit: No I don't think it is after closer examining. Just mighty fine branched out.
  2. S

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Pics or it didn't happen.
  3. S

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hello sluts. I need your help. Which light would be better? I am looking for a beneficial yet cost effective MH bulb and have come across two 250's at very different prices. Is the 2300 kelvin difference really that different? then (price 14 dollar something) this...
  4. S

    Lighting question

    Twenty-three thousand lumens. Is this light excellent for veg?
  5. S

    Noob needs your input [:

    So I've got a idea. My sativa donimant bagseed came from some serious schwag but it is going very strong even in the mg. When I originalluy planted it I filled half of the small container with ofcourse as I said before 50/50 between seed starter and 3 month s release. I recently filled up the...
  6. S

    Noob needs your input [:

    So I guess I am just going to have to deal with a early flowering plant then. Oh well, I wasn't expecting to get over 2 ounces with the container size anyways. Sativa's give off a bit more than indica's yield wise. I will atleast get something. There is no fox farm soil around here. I could just...
  7. S

    Noob needs your input [:

    I think I'm just going to go ahead and flower it from start. Been having it on 15/9 and it has been growing just fine. Lately since what looks to be immature preflowers growing out it has been growing very slowly. I don't see any new leaf shoots popping out of the top of the stalk anymore. Could...
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    Noob needs your input [:

    3 month soil is at the bottom of the container. I figured once the plant garnered enough roots down the container by then it would be asking for nitrogen and could handle the mg. Should I take out the current soil and replace it with 100% MG seed starter dirt and go on to feed it Bio-Bizz bloom...
  9. S

    Lighting question

    I did that I believe around 4 days ago to induce preflowering in order to see its gender. Like I said it has early preflowers forming and I even see some forming around the stalk. I am anxious in hopes that it is a girl.
  10. S

    Noob needs your input [:

    Say this were to be my setup. 250 hps with standard 250 bulb 1 sativa dominant bagseed 15/9 lighting schedule hoping to veg 6 weeks Currently going perhaps 3 weeks or more :clap: Okay so I guess since I wont be getting a fan for it for another cpl days and it already being on 15/9 for 3 weeks...
  11. S

    Lighting question

    Alright girls answer my question so I can go to sleep. Do your job and please me.
  12. S

    Lighting question

    I have noticed recently in the past two days what looks to be early preflowers starting to grow but right now it is two early to tell its gender but I am betting on female. So far this sativa has been vigorous. Ofcourse I know plants can preflower through veg. Never seen a 15/9 method done though.
  13. S

    Lighting question

    Okay so I guess since I wont be getting a fan for it for another cpl days and it already being on 15/9 for 2 weeks like it I might as well let it flower through. After all, it is a heavily sativa dominant bagseed. I've been looking over the 12/12 from seed thread. I have it in a 2 liter pot. So...
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    Lighting question

  15. S

    Lighting question

    Your advice?
  16. S

    Lighting question

    1 plant in a half and half mixture of miracle grow seed starting and miracle grow 3 month feed potting soil. I am wondering if that is good mix and would and when would I need to start adding bio-bizz bloom to help flowering?
  17. S

    Lighting question

    If it flowers on 9 hours of darkness why doesn't it flower under 6 hours when on 18/6? I don't have a fan to cool the light so I am a bit nervous to have it running 18 hours a day. I will be getting a small fan in a couple days though but I don't think it'd be a safe idea to run it 18/6 as of...
  18. S

    Lighting question

    Limited to standard hps bulb 250w. Ventilation is air unit outside of clos. No fan. Want to give minimal veg hours and hoping to go for 6 week veg. I think currently somewhere around 2 weeks. Sat bagseed. I'm worried about heat. 1Plant so I gotta depend on it to make it through.
  19. S

    Lighting question

    So does that mean 15/9 will trigger the flowering? If so will the flowering perform differently from common flowering schedule 12/12?
  20. S

    Lighting question

    Anyone else going to give their opinion on 15/9? Anyone vegged their plants from 15/9? Opinions? <3