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  1. O

    How important is runoff ppm

    Hey guys, I decided to check runoff ppm last night just for the hell of it and it came out at 1870, which seems like a lot. The most ive ever feed the plant was around 1300 ppm The feedind I gave it yesterday was only 1050 ppm, the plant shows no ill effects, its in FFOF using H & G with drip...
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    Hey guys need some help, what does this look like

    how can I check excess, does runoff ppm help at all, also using drip clean to maintain salt buildup
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    Hey guys need some help, what does this look like

    appreciate it guys, on the northern lights I is the middle top where it is happening. Does nute burn happen all over or only 1 plant here and there?
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    Hey guys need some help, what does this look like

    Plays are in FFOF im using calmag and h&G nutes, this is 17 days since flip, first 5 photos are nirvanas northern lights and the rest are barneys LSD, growing 4 plants of each strain, 1 of the 4 in each giving me a problem. Temps and rh in check ph also in check, thoughts?
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    The Official House and Garden Thread

    hi guys anyone know what this yellowing my leafs tips are? These plants are 13 days old in FFOF, under a 400 mh, I plan on using the entire H&G line starting later on this week. The strains are white Russian and kushberry.
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    The Official House and Garden Thread

    hey guys in soil, are you guys doing feed, water, feed , water or feeding every single water
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    Soil has a white frosty stuff on it. PLEASE HELP IDENTIFY

    thats nada I have all the time , its the myco are referring to, I have it all the time