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  1. J

    yet another nub concern

    Thank you very much, feels like forever =( And ya, looking really forward to the next grow, I learned a lot. I have just been using the nutes that came with the set but I have never flushed or anything, I just wait til the water level is low and then fill up. But there is no mold, sludge or...
  2. J

    yet another nub concern

    :wall: OK. I have this kind of limp and poorly managed first grow going. I let the plants in my bubbleponic set get WAY too big, all I have are those poor CF lights (the Stealth Hydro set, which is lovely, but a little limp) and am having trouble pulling the trigger to get some HPS love going...
  3. J

    The First LED Grow Box

    It is relatively simple to be snarky, mean, and dismissive. It is not impressive, regardless of how smart or right you are. I would expect a certain mannered "Noblesse oblige" from the more experienced set, especially one who is clearly not a runny nosed teen trying to hide his pot grow from...
  4. J

    The First LED Grow Box

    I think the spirit of experimentation is a good thing. Regardless of our opinions, watching someone do something new is cool. I am a complete nub and have no opinion~but I like to see people try new stuff. I am running so lowbie style I just put my studio portrait light on my plants. They seem...
  5. J

    Drying Bud with a Dehumidifier????

    What about using the contraption I use to make jerky? It is these stacking vented trays with a low temp heat element on the bottom and a fan...
  6. J

    Smaller net pots?

    :weed: Soo, I am using the StealthHydro set at the moment, which I am very happy with (need more light for budding, but that is not surprixing). This grow I goofed it up and let my plants get too big, but next try I was thinking to modify it a little. I would like a slightly bigger tub, which...
  7. J

    When do little flowers start to get bigger

    I am going to get some more light (even if I just grab some more CFL for now), but moving the current lights closer would be good too. During the grow phase it was easy to keep the light in tight, since the plants were small (I had the lights clipped to an old chain mail belt hanging from the...
  8. J

    When do little flowers start to get bigger

    thanks for talking me off the ledge
  9. J

    When do little flowers start to get bigger

    OH I don't know how effective this thing is but it looks so FUN! OK I am fixating on this thing. Seems like I could set it up on two sides with the CFL on top... Anyone know about the GLOW PANEL? What about this all flower/bud spectrum deal
  10. J

    When do little flowers start to get bigger

    There are two cfl bulbs, but not ideally placed. I like those tents, I wonder if I could make one, ohhh. Then I could move the operation out to the garage. I was thinking to hire a maid soon and cannot figure out what to say about my big beautiful closet with a padlock on it haahahaha. My...
  11. J

    When do little flowers start to get bigger

    No it does not look bigger, and thanks for the LED link, that is promising Cheers
  12. J

    When do little flowers start to get bigger

    Oh boo, this is around 6 weeks =( Do I seriously need the HPS? I am very nervous about the heat, the plants share the closet with some other stuff, I am not very tidy. Would more CFL adding Lumens help, or is that just silly? Seriously, I do not need or really want giant production, my...
  13. J

    When do little flowers start to get bigger

    Those pics are about a week old, I will take some tomorrow and do a compare. In my imagination they got bigger, but I have a fairly overdeveloped imagination so ya =) It has been a wild ride. I really goofed up the light cycle thing - I was waiting for the plant to flower to change from 24/7 to...
  14. J

    When do little flowers start to get bigger

    OK, This is my first grow. Lots of mistakes along the way-mostly fairly amusing. I have most of that stuff worked out now, I am using the little bubbleponics set from StealthHydro (which I like quite a lot, Dual Spectrum Bubbleponics™ Complete Kit). The two ladies left seem healthy and have...