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    Northern Colorado growers

    It's nice to see some peeps from northen co on here i havent been on in awhile i always wanted to see what was around here. I'm here in greeley and most people i meet are shady. I would like to meet some chill peeps so i could actually talk to people bout growing not just on the internet.
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    aact for tomatoes

    Just looking for a good recipe for an aact tomatoes and chilies
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    Well looks like The avs took it. It was a good streak while it lasted.but had to end sometime
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    best carbon filter

    Ya i was thinking bout a phresh or a phat filter
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    best carbon filter

    What is The best carbon filter i have 4x4x7 grow tent with a 6inch can fan. Im growing some sour d x trainwreck so its pretty stinky so i need one that will work dont mind paying a little more.
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    do you grind ur mmj

    I use a grinder vut i,think i like The shotglass and scissor way
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    do you grind ur mmj

    I was just wondering what people thought about grinding your bud does it ruin most of your trichs i know it makes it burn more even but do The cons out weigh The pros
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    what kind of bugs do i have

    Thank you thats wat i thought at first but i didnt know if The actually ate The leafs
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    what kind of bugs do i have

    I found these little white bugs crawling on The top of my leafs. There is damage to The leafs some have white spots and other leafs are getting ate. I sprayed them with mighty wash 4 days ago and they are back. they are pretty fast for there size are they spider mite larvea
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    MH vs HPS Veg/Flowering

    In The rev tlo book his says he only uses 400 eye blue hortilux i would like to see The results. Does anyone actually just use mh
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    Father arrested for DUI drugs, endangerment

    It will be awhile before they have enough research done to make a legit dui law for marijuana. It causes different people different reactions. Imo you should only get a dui if you get pulled over for wreckless driving and then they give u a blood test not expired tags then you have a pipe. Most...
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    TLO ~ True Living Organics, The Rev style.

    Whitney farms doesnt make unsteamed anymore I bought some and called them about it and they said they use to make some but not anymore. Mine is Whitney farms natural bone meal
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    TLO ~ True Living Organics, The Rev style.

    Does anyone know where to find unsteamed bone meal on the internet
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    TLO ~ True Living Organics, The Rev style.

    Does anyone know when The 600 eye blue mh will be on The market
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    TLO ~ True Living Organics, The Rev style.

    Im actually not from mi but it took me forever to get everything and get half of it shipped also i just think The time of The year makes it so hard to get everything. Oh ya im from co
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    TLO ~ True Living Organics, The Rev style.

    I read somewhere that The blue light is better for The terpenes so u get better flavor and smell thats what he uses The eye blue mh anyone know if this is true And you only use The hortilux eye blue just not The 400
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    TLO ~ True Living Organics, The Rev style.

    Ya I have a 600 and 1000 hps and a 400 Mh but he says he perfers 400 eye hortilux mh
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    TLO ~ True Living Organics, The Rev style.

    Does anyone who is using tlo style flower with a 400 mh I know the rev says that all he uses but im kinda scrared.