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  1. Badmedisin

    Aerogarden club

    :hump:I built a diy aero garden used a 1000 wt hps and had pretty good results the pic's are in a razor phone I sold the phone ( forgot to erase pic's) but aero is the way to go if you can be tied to the garden watch for clogged sprayers and drains to but its the bomb!:spew:peace
  2. Badmedisin

    making your own is not easy

    :spew:You could get a magnafing glass and wait for a sunny day and burn the holes you need ,it's free, it wont crack from pressure, dont have to worry about cutting yer-self, just make sure what's under when you burn, cause it will burn thru almost anything if concentrated the right way. Un-ha...
  3. Badmedisin

    making your own is not easy

    Were you using a fork?