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  1. biffx

    Lil white bug... What is he? PICS

    no white powder. U can almost see through its body. really soft too kinda like a grub.
  2. biffx

    Lil white bug... What is he? PICS

    Here is a few pics if this lil white bug I fing curled up in some of my leafs. I have looked on the net and can not find what it is. The bigger ones get some black spots on them and the small ones are just all white. And AND is it a leaf eater or root muncher?
  3. biffx

    Let's play Name that bug.

    Ehhh ghad man!!! W7F is that thing...
  4. biffx

    Help me!!! Please!

    Wow plastic sheeting. At first i thought that was a heavy mesh screen. Reminds me of what I was trying to do when i was younger. One year 2 of my friends showed up at my door with a plant. So we went to the hardware store and got some plastic sheeting and doweling. We made a nice plastic...
  5. biffx

    Bug eggs put me in my place. Thought I was pro. Help

    I found the black spots to be fly crap. It was during a drought, and when i watered my friends all the creepy crawlers and flyers came out. I'm good with everything now. Thanks for all your input guys!!! With the sticky pads soap and water and the new to the mix tobacco seems to be working very...
  6. biffx

    Bug eggs put me in my place. Thought I was pro. Help

    Here are some more pics. I found another bug grub looking thing. i dont know what it is. I think my plants are being sucked dry or there roots are under attack. Let me know what you guys think. And if it is root monsters, how do i fight them in a natural way?
  7. biffx

    Bug eggs put me in my place. Thought I was pro. Help

    Well Some other bugs came into the picture as well. Cucumber beetles, Some kinda weird light brown colored spiders and plant hoppers. Here is the messed up part.... It rained here, got a good one too. All of the bush around me is starting to come back to life and I see no sign of ANY bugs in or...
  8. biffx

    Deformed growth! Why?

    The pics u have look ok to me. Just young lookn. If u got a small plant you cant expect to have a 5 finger leaf stickn out. This looks like all my babys, later on they go to 5, then to 7. And if u get real big maybe 9. U got any pics of your babys, and there soil that are dying or what they look...
  9. biffx

    neil armstrong has died at 82

    Neil Armstrong and Lance Armstrong in the media at the same time. Like woo man. Woo. Im soo high rite now. Ya to spell check. Ha ha ha ha
  10. biffx

    Bug eggs put me in my place. Thought I was pro. Help

    Thank you all for your timely response! What you said about sick and healthy plants does make an alarm go off in my head. I didn't have any issues till I made that rescue. Since then I have been plagged with those damn weird beetle things under that one pot, now in the soil in the rest of them...
  11. biffx

    Bug eggs put me in my place. Thought I was pro. Help

    Hey I am now to this whole forum thing, but I must admit that I do need help with this situation. I have grown in the bast before but have never ran into anything like this before. Any help i get will be greatly appreciated!:leaf: Long story short I found eggs on my plant one night showing...