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  1. H

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    what about this ?
  2. H

    4 plant autos...harvest time yet?

    no i will take them 4 in same i will have different result and will compare ! light is make the buds dry too fast wich u really dont want so ! the 4 at the same moment in the dark!
  3. H

    are these babies ready to go! AUTO

    yes i will cure ..Trans Siberian and Northern Light Blue i will take the 4 of them the same moment so some are seem too be late compare to other.. so i will probably get diff results... i give them a couple more days... cant wait to get rid of smell!
  4. H

    are these babies ready to go! AUTO

    sound interessting...anyone try this before !?
  5. H

    are these babies ready to go! AUTO

    lower buds on the plant get still a lottts of white pistil.....
  6. H

    are these babies ready to go! AUTO

    73 days on 55-65 is normal..look like i still have 1 or even 2 week!!!!!
  7. H

    are they ready to go !?! pics

    yeah i probably use too much...2-3 week ago so soon it should be better!
  8. H

    are they ready to go !?! pics

    cut this tommorow? what u think? im on day day 73 65 days
  9. H

    4 plant autos...harvest time yet?

    ok can i dry under the light ? damn im sure its not good and i filter my air inthere so would be easier..probably gonna try to make some sort of cover to get a dark area inside ...2 first is Northern Light Blue...2 other is Trans Siberian
  10. H

    4 plant autos...harvest time yet?

    all 4 of them? now ! one seem to be younger buds!!!
  11. H

    looking for the BEST odour control...Uvonair or Carbon Filter

    what u mean when u said : the fan would ruin my stealth... i didnt understand ! Thank you
  12. H

    looking for the BEST odour control...Uvonair or Carbon Filter

    Hi, i wonder what is the best investement to do with money when is time to control the big flowering odor... a carbon filter seem the best but i now read about Uvonair 1000jr or the model 3000.....who know about them? electricity cost? sound? what the best descision? Thank you Uvonair
  13. H

    4 plant autos...harvest time yet?

    yeah i have a good camera so i use this to check them...but first harvest so i dont really know what i shoul expect u know! most of them are still transparent
  14. H

    4 plant autos...harvest time yet?

    3/4 of a week or u mean 3 or 4 weeks?
  15. H

    4 plant autos...harvest time yet?

    there 4 plant that i wonder if its harvest time or not... seller seed says 55-60 days from seed for the 2 first then the 2 others say 65-75days... al 4 of them are in day 65 today ! then... cause i want to harvest only one time for all 4...not want to do it twice! let me know what u...
  16. H

    Buds problem..and leaf - pictures (light,nutes or ph)

    no im sure its not this...must be over fert...pretty the way , no i never spray while in flower..even in vegetation i didnt! was feedeing day i go with no nutes..only water and cal-mag cause my water here not good ...use just a littlebit so yeah im still not sure aout...
  17. H

    Buds problem..and leaf - pictures (light,nutes or ph)

    i think it could be this..over if its this...what next? only water for next 2 watering?
  18. H

    Buds problem..and leaf - pictures (light,nutes or ph)

    there a post of the same same strain....20 days more than me ...
  19. H

    Buds problem..and leaf - pictures (light,nutes or ph)

    cool! i cant really check the roots but i always make sure the PH is good then i use cannazym so it help root to eat and get better so im almost sure that not the trouble !..big fan go on and off in night time so make noise and vibration...more maybe light stress too ...could make it by the...
  20. H

    Buds problem..and leaf - pictures (light,nutes or ph)

    but also...the leaf seem to curl..turn onthemselve like a taco!