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  1. dubtrice

    Spiders On Drugs...

    great video lmao
  2. dubtrice

    Dont let your gf touch your plants!! PICS!

    how the hell is marijuana extremely dangerous? if thats the case then id expect to see Florida becoming a dry state lmao :roll:
  3. dubtrice

    Your First Joint

    we lit a dead squirrell up with a bottle of cologne and a lighter.. the damn thing burned for like 5 mins.. stunk like hell
  4. dubtrice

    Your First Joint

    lmao i coulda worded that better
  5. dubtrice

    Your First Joint

    first thing I ever smoked was some stress.. smoked in the homies garage and felt like I was underwater, I could feel all my hairs moving lmao. and everything looked like I was watchin tv or somethin.. like I my mind was behind me a couple feet.. IDK lol first join I ever rolled was a piece of...
  6. dubtrice


    thx exactly what i was looking for
  7. dubtrice


    im mean to say faq doesnt really tell you what would make a good cutting to clone does it have to be cut from the main stem or will any branch work?
  8. dubtrice


    Does anyone have an explanation of what would be a suitable cutting for cloning, using the water-cloning method? hopefully with a picture
  9. dubtrice

    Welcome New Members!

    you should read the FAQ u can tell the sex of a plant by looking at the base of the stem of the leaves, either hairs or balls, hairs=female, balls=male cloning - GROWFAQ theres no specific height for flowering, you can start anytime at any height, but you should let your plant get nice n...
  10. dubtrice

    Grow Log

    Victim: Suspect: well I made the mistake of leaving my plant within reach of my dog.. a half hour passes and I come back to find half the soil dug out of the pot and my plant laying on the ground.. I had no soil so I put some dirt in from outside and little humus on top to help it hold...
  11. dubtrice

    Diy 100% H2o2

    they also explode lol
  12. dubtrice


    thanks. I was about to try it too lol
  13. dubtrice


    From reading the GrowFAQ I decided starting my own worm farm would be too much trouble for small castings.. how about adding some worms to the plants soil? no mess, free nutrients? could fertilizer or certain chemicals hurt the worms? would there be ANY negative effects to my plant if I throw a...
  14. dubtrice

    Welcome New Members!

    yea im new here, i was looking for help with cloning when I found this website today. ive been growing for a few years now, nothing serious, I just like being able to smoke my own buds... This is my first plant- This is my second plant, the one im currently working with - Both plants...