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  1. Kevo

    Captain Ahab's Nirvana Bubblelicious and Ice T8 SOG

    Capt. can't wait to see. I had a question, I am at the end of Bubble 1 grow Christmas eve harvest and at week 34 on Bubble 5. My question is the nutrient % of each key elements I am using 5-20-20 at a ppm of 980 I would like to increase it a bit but was thinking that i shouldn't add any more N...
  2. Kevo

    Captain Ahab's Nirvana Bubblelicious and Ice T8 SOG

    I can't thank you enough. I understand now.
  3. Kevo

    Herme help

    Will all of the buds develop bananas?
  4. Kevo

    Herme help

    I was have a plant 6 weeks into flower great buds nice frosty haze and there I see a yellow color coming out of one of the more juicy buds!! wtf take out the magnifier yes banana herme??? What are my options? Please advise.:cry:
  5. Kevo

    Captain Ahab's Nirvana Bubblelicious and Ice T8 SOG

    Capt. sorry to bother you but what is the make and model of the camera that you use? I gotta get one!!
  6. Kevo

    Captain Ahab's Nirvana Bubblelicious and Ice T8 SOG

    Hello Capt. I got a few questions if you have a minute to reply. First naners, is that hermes if so please elaborate on what to do with them, and what causes them, and how do we get rid of them, or is it genetic? Second I am growing the bubble also from seed I have 3 different seed mothers...
  7. Kevo

    Captain Ahab's Nirvana Bubblelicious and Ice T8 SOG

    Yes I think I have a few but the Capt.s pics are killer mine are weak in comparison. What is your picture taking procedure Capt. if you don't mind me asking? Do you use lighting and a tripod? I grow under HID so that sucks to start. Any ideas? I have some terrible luck with the last 2 grows...
  8. Kevo

    Captain Ahab's Nirvana Bubblelicious and Ice T8 SOG

    Hey Capt. the grow looks great. I just finished off two plants of Bubblelicious the buds very dense and purple in color yours are a very different tone. I notice a little tip burn on your pics, do you find this strain touchy with nute concentration? I am using GH at 1200 ppm for most of the...
  9. Kevo

    Bud density not there yet any suggestions SCROG Grow

    Hello all, I am in the middle of my first SCROG actually at the tail end of the grow. I am growing master kush 4 plants in a 3'x6' screen 2 600 hps lights 75 F 50% RH constant I used GH Flora series 1200ppm 5.7 - 6.0 ph. They were flipped on 8/9. Here is my concern, all of the buds are very...
  10. Kevo

    Let's talk serious SCROG

    Hey Professor I am in the middle of my first SCROG actually at the tail end of the grow. I am growing master kush 4 plants in a 3'x6' screen 2 600 hps lights 75 F 50% RH constant I used GH Flora series 1200ppm 5.7 - 6.0 ph. They were flipped on 8/9. Here is my concern, all of the buds are very...
  11. Kevo

    Power outage in Flower stage

    cool I'll remember to do that when I get home.
  12. Kevo

    Power outage in Flower stage

    Thanks for the input. I'll chill till the power gets restored. How many day in the dark are ok?
  13. Kevo

    Power outage in Flower stage

    I am using an ebb and flood system with 4 feedings per day with individual pots. The pots don't completely drain therefore some of the roots sit in solution but that's normal for this setup.
  14. Kevo

    Power outage in Flower stage

    I am a grower in the north east and have a scrog grow thats 3 weeks into flower. This little storm that hit us has left me without power now for 3 days. Therefore my girls have had no light or nutes in 3 days. How much will this effect my grow? Much thanks
  15. Kevo

    First scrog grower needs some advice

    Thanks I'm looking forward to the grow
  16. Kevo

    Is this a male?? :(

    cannabisguru if a male bust a pollen sack in the room next door how long would it take before it would be safe to grow again? My last grow I ended up with a few hernes. I did chop a few males and threw them into a garbage can in the next room.
  17. Kevo

    First scrog grower needs some advice

    Heres a quick run down. I have 4 unsexed master kush they are 10" under a 3'x3' frame 4"x4" screen the plants are just starting to touch the screen. My question is should I train then and then flip to 12/12 or flip and then train? any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
  18. Kevo

    Bugs or nutrient damage? pics....

    It could be spider mite damage but to that extent you should be able to see them very easily with a loop at my age or the naked eye for you young folks
  19. Kevo

    Plants VERY Droopy PLEASE HELP

    You must soak the soil once it dries out bady. The run off that you get is because the soil is very dry and it runs thru the pot. It needs a chance to rewet the soil. If your able to cover the holes in the bottom of the pot water hard let it sit for 2 or 3 min then unplug the holes and never...
  20. Kevo

    Please help pics plus rep if you can solve this riddle Super Cali Haze in dire need!

    Max I love the way you handled the thread if there were more mellow folks agreeing to disagree instead of arguing this world wold be better off.