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  1. R

    whats going on ! help plzz

    When u say GB BB and TB Are you talking about ff tiger bloom grow big and big bloom?? Have u giving ff trio for flower also? Fox farm is strong stuff so strain depending full strenght nutes need to be worked up to gradually if at all.
  2. R

    trimming before or after drying?

    Taking the fan leaves off soon after harvest is the way to go. The fans still contain chlorophyll if u leave on it can give harsh taste.hang it up till the stems snap easily. Finish it up by trimmng to your liking and jar it for a few days. Cutting all the leaves on colas immediatly after...
  3. R

    PH problems with soil, need help

    Hey scrog... Dip the ph pen in the shake and bang??
  4. R

    PH problems with soil, need help

    That is the question. I have also been trying to find out best way to p.h test soil. Local grow store told me run off method. Another told me professional testing in a lab. Im fairly new to this but from flowring same strands and coming out with 3 compley looking and tasing nugs with everythig...
  5. R

    So how do i really get a ph level in soil

    Thx in advance for any advice. I am wondering how i can get an acurate reading of my soild ph. I have some reading 6.5 and some reading 5.4 using the run off method or whatever. Always goes in at Same 6.6-6.7. Is this the best way to read soil ph and if so how can i adjust How does a soil test...
  6. R

    ocean forest soil

    Not finish but dont exceed 1200 through grow
  7. R

    ocean forest soil

    Ocean forest has same nutes already. I ph 6.5 water for around 10 - 14 then give a very light week 5 feeding on the chart. Depending on your enviornment and strain following the full feeding sched can be a lil much for young plants. Look into some supplimental forms of Phosphorus and potassium...
  8. R

    How do you get rid of MITES WHEN U HARVEST?!?!

    Ive heard if u put a live houseplant in the drying room they will migrate from dead plant to living plant. Never tried myself tho
  9. R

    Skinny new growth in veg

    Whats your watering sched??? No expert but overwatering can look similar to a couple of those. Are the stems/stalk purple at the top, the whole stem or is that just the pic?? Look into sulfer def.. Yellowing could be nitrogen def but again just a thought
  10. R

    Think I should start flushing?

    Nice plants dude. What strain is that. I was givin a random clone a while back and those nugs look very familiar. Thx
  11. R

    Tops of plants dying, help appreciated please.

    Have u gotten any more info on ur issue. Ive had similar problems.. Have u had any bug issues?? Spider mites hit me hard late in flower and I had a few that ended up like that. Either that or possible a hot reflection from foil possibly??
  12. R

    Fox Farm SledgeHammer Flush...?

    I also grow in ffof and run the entire line. Flushing with good water works fine for me. Go easy on the fox farm. Do not need much for veg at all. I have used the sledgehammer a couple times when i added way more fox farm than needed. I followed the feeding chart and it was to strong for one...
  13. R

    First grow...need some help

    Kinda new also but looking at pics you are getting close. Mag glass is best way to get right timing but paying attention to the pistols. The little white hairs changing color is also a sign to start looking at ur trichomes. Does look a little burnt tho.
  14. R

    Having trouble finishing up.

    Sorry about that lemmie clarify. When i said week 10 its really week 6 flower. Also i have some pics that may help
  15. R

    Having trouble finishing up.

    Lemmie start At the top. Had a partner who knew it all. They quit and now..... Me im a Semi new grower and have basic know how looking to improve. I use fox farm program ocean forest mixed with pro-mix dirt and use some other stuff like fossil fuel guanos and superthrive. Everything...